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It was like he was possessed that week ago. He acted so angry and not himself.

"What happened that week? You acted just not yourself." I said as I attempted to heal the wounds, yet I forgot I don't have that healing power.

"I don't know. I just blanked out that night. I don't know what happened. We had dinner, but then I just blanked." Mark said as he looks at me.

I nodded lightly and I sighed softly. "What did it feel like after?" I asked and he shrugged. "It was just numbness and confusion. Like someone entered my body then left." He looks at me and I bit my lip. He could've been possessed by something.

There is only one other person I know of that can also possess people. I don't know how but I can only assume it was Notch who did it. He hates me so much that I knew he would use one of my friends.

I sighed softly and looked towards Steve, who was staring and leaning against the wall. He looked very interested in what we were talking about.

"So you got possessed pretty much. A stronger being got inside of your body and knew your desire and took it for granted. Those two days you kept Herobrine in his dungeon, you raped me twice then tried to murder me but he got out when I screamed." Steve explains as he stared directly at Mark.

Mark was frozen. He didn't remember any of it. "I trapped Herobrine in a dungeon and raped you? I would never do anything like that at all." He said as his emotions were scattered from being able to be read.

I nodded, explaining what he did to me and what happened in my point of view. Then Steve did as well. Mark was horrified after we both finished talking.

"But then you guys trained and went to find me?" He asked and I nodded, "yea, pretty much. We wanted to make sure if it was just possession or if you were lying to our faces the whole 2-3 weeks we've been together." I told him as I looked at the traps he had set up for animals.

He stared at us both before running a hand through his hair and he looked down. "I see. I would never do that. I thought you guys just... kicked me out and hated me. So I ran off and hid here until you guys ran into the animal traps." He chuckled lightly and glanced away, obviously upset.

I pulled him close and hugged him, "shhh it'll be okay. Now we know you haven't been the main reason for it. We just have to find the person who's doing it... and let's not attract any angry mothers this time." I glared at him for the countless times we've gotten chased by wolves and pigmen when he got obsessed with how the babies looked.

He nodded, chuckling nervously. "Yea yea let's go. Well after you guys heal first from my traps." He said as Steve patches our wounds.

Which we agreed to stay but we had to still be cautious, we couldn't trust him immediately after finding him and resolving a few things.

We spent the night in Steve's half burnt house with Mark. I stayed awake to make sure nothing bad happened...

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