Inside of the Temple

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As we walked inside the temple and explored, we had encountered many arrow traps. We dodged all of those traps, as I had heard the click before they could and I moved them away in time. When we got to the center of the temple, there were three tunnels leading into the darkness. 

"No no no, we are not splitting up," Mark said as he looked at the tunnels. I stood in the middle of the room, feeling the ground. I could detect treasure in two of the tunnels, one ahead and one to the left of me. I can't detect anything in the one on the right. 

"We don't have to. There are only two treasure halls." I stood up and looked at Mark. "We can all go to one at a time then get out of there. These are the only two I can detect." I then headed to the left tunnel, which they followed after me. 

"This seems way to easy" Steve said with uneasiness. It was true, I also felt like this was way too easy for us. "Keep your ears and eyes trained then," Mark suggested as he looked around, looking at the vine and moss-covered walls. 

I then stopped, bringing a ball of flame into my palm brighter than it was before. We were in a bigger room now and we all heard scattering of mice or something. 

"Do you think you can light the room up?" Mark asked in a whisper and I nodded. I held my hand out and did what I have done when we entered the temple. The temple room started to light up and we were all met with this temple guardian. 

We all froze in our positions as we stare up at this guardian. It was staring right at us. Mark stood in front of us and he stared directly at the guardian. I then noticed his eyes glazed over and so did the guardians. He was stalling our time by using one of his powers for us to grab the treasure. 

Both me and Steve ran to the chest, opening it and taking everything as Notch told us to. We both then ran and I used my sword to chop the guardian's head off, which caused Mark to gasp in pain and break the contact with the guardian. 

We ran out of the room and Mark looked towards the other two unexplored tunnels. "Do you think you can do that again if there's another guardian?" I asked as I looked at Mark. Mark nodded, "Yeah of course. I'll be ready this time for you to chop the head off" he chuckled, being quiet so it didn't rattle the walls. 

We head to the tunnel that had the other treasury in it. I did the same thing as I did with the first tunnel, this room had another guardian but instead of it being stone. It was now Jungle wood. We just burned the guardian and took the loot then ran out of the temple after I made sure there were no more. 

What we weren't expecting when we got to the entrance of the temple was that there was this creature there, sitting. It was facing us and it had this stone and wood texture. Though it looked like a cat. "There's another guardian..." I heard Steve mutter as we just stood there, staring at it as it stared back at us. 

The guardian cat then got up and walked into the wall, disappearing. There was no halls or pathways in the wall. "A ghost of one. The Mother of this temple" I whispered, realizing what the guardian was. 

"Is she mad at us?" Mark asked and I shook my head. "I don't think so. I just know she's disappointed, but understanding because we have a mission to do. Let's get out of this jungle, shall we?" 

They both nodded and we started walking through the jungle. "Now, since we teleported away from the edge of the jungle... how are we going to even get out of here?" Steve asked as he looked at me, knowing I was the only one with teleportation. 

I shrugged and laughed wearily, "I don't know. I can try teleporting us back to the entrance...?" I glanced at them. Mark looks at me and shrugged as if saying for me to go for it. "I like the adventure, but we have a short span for this mission... So might as well" Mark held out his hand to me and I held it. I then grabbed Steve's and I thought of the entrance of the jungle. We were then teleported and I opened my eyes. We were indeed at the jungle's edge. 

"Now let's get out of here before that insect decides to find us again," Steve said after he threw up. I was too frozen to even move because what I saw, would never leave my mind. I pointed ahead of us. 

They looked behind them to where I was looking. I saw their faces paled as we looked directly at this nest. It was filled with those insects and they were looking straight at us. 

"Do we run or do we keep still in hopes they won't target us?" Mark whispered and I glanced at him then at the insects. "I say we run because we need to get going right now" I laughed nervously.

They nodded and we all just book for it to the opening past the jungle's edge. We heard a swarm of buzzing behind us and I started screaming. I fell onto the dirt, my knees had collapsed under me. Mark noticed and he picked me back up, running further ahead with Steve. 

Once we heard the buzzing stop, we all slowed down and took a break. Mark sets me down and he looked all around my body for any wounds or scabs. When he saw there were no wounds or scabs, he sighed softly in relief. 

"So now, we need to head back to the desert for that temple with the opal gems," Steve said as he looked both at us. 

"Let's rest first and then we can go," I said as I noticed it was indeed getting dark out.

"Might have to find another entrance to the desert so we don't get attacked by that village" Mark included as he sets up camp. We all nodded at the idea and now that we are all safe from the jungle and got the items. We were safe to sleep for the first night of the mission. 

In the morning, we started our journey towards the southwest where Steve's house and village were at. It was going to be a long journey but I know we'll make it. We had a bag filled with food and supplies for our journey to the next temple. 

I just hope we don't run into more trouble on the way to the desert temple.

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