Calming the Beast

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I was too scared to open my eyes. I heard two metals clang together like two swords perfectly hit each other to not have it slip.

The pickaxe in my shoulder was still there... Why did I hear another weapon?

I slowly opened my eyes and I gasped. Herobrine had a diamond sword clashed against Steve's iron sword.

"Let Mark go!" Steve yelled at Herobrine as he pushed the sword onto herobrine's sword. The sword didn't budge but I saw his arm throb as I also noticed his facial expression change slightly from anger to worry and shock but went right back to anger.

His voice came out as a low growl, "You both are mine now."

As soon as he finished, we were all teleported into this unknown realm. The pain was gone and I ran to Steve. Steve checked my body as I did with his. "Where are we?" I asked as I looked around. It was this land with purple grass that seemed to lift particles from it, mushrooms were everywhere and some rose high in the sky.

"It looks like those really rare areas only some of us players can find. Some claim it to have very bad endings. Like starvation and illnesses." Steve said as he watched some particle-like smoke come from the ground.

I gave a slight nod as I look around. Herobrine was nowhere to be found. Though, there was an abandoned house in the distance. "Hey look, I wonder if that's one of the old players' house." I pointed to the house.

Steve looked and nodded. "Could be. Should we see if Herobrine is there?" He asked and I nod, heading over. I kinda jogged there, wanting to find Herobrine quickly.

Even if it was known as a bad idea, I really wanted Herobrine back. He could be very dangerous to Minecraftia if we don't snap him out of this.

I tore the door down and looked around inside. Cobwebs and skeleton corpses filled the rooms. Steve came up behind me and lit a torch that hung on the wall. "Spooky." was his only comment as we searched through the dark house.

Faint footsteps could be heard upstairs yet there was no completed stairs that led up to the second floor.

"Hello?" I called up the broken stairs, squinting to see if anyone was up there. I called up again, "Herobrine, is that you?"

Herobrine did indeed pop up right at the top of the steps, glaring down at us. I wanted to use my magic to reach in his mind to see if I can get the affect off of him, but he was too powerful for me.

"So you two did try to immediately find me. Even with the horrors told in this land? Hmph, didn't think you two would live." Herobrine's voice echoed in the house as he trailed down the broken steps as if they were not broken.

We took a step back and I frowned, "you need to think clearly! This is not the real you! You killed a person! This is not you! You didn't want to kill a person, you told us that you didn't want that rumor to be true." I watched as Herobrine stare right at me, his eyes swirled with mixed emotions of shock and sadness.

I'm doing it, I hope.

He staggered back as the reality hit him. He had killed a person, exactly what Notch wanted him to do. "No... this can't be true. Please tell me I haven't!" He yelled out, falling to his knees and gripping his hair. I grew worried for him, walking over but Steve stopped me. He was cautious that hero might try to attack.

"Block out the effect. Get that negativity out. Force it out." I said as I walked over, regardless that Steve tried to stop me.

What I did next was tricky. I pulled herobrines face towards mine and Steve's gasp filled the room as I had kissed Herobrine.

Surprisingly it worked, his body just deflated onto the ground as he went to sleep. The effect should leave him soon.

"Mark! Why did you—?" He started but I blocked his mouth with my hand to shut him up.

"I'll tell you later." I glanced at him before grinning.

What they don't know is that I don't care if they are dating each other and I'll still kiss them both if needed to shut them up.

"We need to get him to bed" I said as I walked to hero, picking him up like a bride. I walked over to the dusty couch and gently set him on it. Steve was just standing there in shock.

I guess it was too much for him to handle. I don't blame him. He knew I like him, but he didn't know I liked Herobrine as well...

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