Exploring Finally

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After days of unable to move, I was able to move and Steve even said we can go outside! I was like an excited puppy to hear I can finally go outside. Mark wasn't entirely happy about it since he was still very worried that I was still injured. I mean, I have a wound on my chest but I can at least move around. No stab wound was going to stop me, it's healed!

Instead of Exploring the Nether, we went back to the overworld. We wanted to explore the whole world of Minecraftia. Null went off to protect my castle while me, Mark, and Steve were back alone exploring Minecraftia.

We had spawned near a jungle, not the jungle we explored before. Though, we could just hear the thrumming wings of those insects. "Does every jungle have these huge wasps?" Mark asked as we hurried away from the jungle.

"Well, It's a jungle. It's expected." Steve commented as we walked. Both mark and Steve had all of the bags since they refused to let me carry any due to the wound on my chest.

"Don't get me started on snow biomes," Steve said as he pulled out a map. Mark rolled his eyes and he crossed his arms. "Yeah yeah. You are the expert here. I would say Hero is here, but he hardly knows this stuff either." He chuckled and I felt offended.

"Just love the dirt thrown in my face," I grumbled as Mark laughed, petting my head.

As it was getting dark, we set up camp in a plains biome and I started the fire. I looked at the two as they began cooking food. We were lucky enough to bring food with us that wouldn't expire too fast. We had to make sure they lasted a while.

"I wonder if there are any new mobs that Notch created," Mark questioned as he looked around. It had been a while since we left the overworld.

I looked at him as I ate my small meal. "If there are, we surely would've seen them by now." I said as I shrugged.

As soon as I said that, we heard screeches above us. Mark and Steve grabbed there weapons to protect me. I was still fairly injured to carry a weapon.

I look at the sky, not phased by the intruders. They looked like sting rays in the sky, glowing green eyes. Phantoms.

"Shoot it down, surely they will come down!" Mark ordered as Steve aimed, shooting the phantom in the wing. I watched as they chased after the falling phantom.

"Do they know there's about four more up there to worry about?" I asked quietly to myself before looking at the four phantoms gliding in the sky, waiting for their turn to strike. They weren't concerned about me, they were more attacking Mark and Steve since they were mortal.

I tilt my head and I shot one out of the sky using a lightning bolt. The rest three scattered, finding other people to target. Steve ran over to the other phantom, collecting its membrane from it. "Wonder what these do." He said quietly as he looked at me.

I just simply shrugged, wanting to take a nap. I go into our tent and I passed out. I'll deal with everything in the morning.

Mark and Steve followed suit.

I'll lead them to an old friend of mine tomorrow so I can train them on how to fight better.

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