Caring Hands

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OMG! 100+ VIEWS?! THANK YOU! This is my first story haha, thank you for all the views! ^^' This chapter and hopefully the upcoming chapters are going to be longer than chapter 1-5 had been ^^ Okay bye now~

"What are you talking about that Notch hates you?! You said, earlier, that you two are brothers who rule this land! He can't possibly hate you, Herobrine!" Steve threw his hands up in the air. I sat there on the floor, feeling betrayed. "I thought so too. I didn't think my brother would've hated me. Until he said so in my house last night." I look down as I say that in a mere whisper.

Steve looked so worried as he looked at me. "So you're no longer a king, Herobrine? Does that mean you have no right to rule the land anymore? Or do you still have that land?" He tilts his head and I wish I knew an answer to his question.

Though as I thought to myself, there was something strange as I notice now. "The mobs I control, very few don't see me as their leader and do not follow orders. Some are very scared of me and hide. The rest are still under my command" I looked at Steve. 

That thought haunted me, realizing that I am becoming a king no longer. Was I losing my place as a King? Or was that just my imagination? I don't know. 

When Steve spoke, it brought me back to reality. "So, you're saying that you're losing your place as a leader to these mobs?" He sat down in front of me, staring into my pale glowing white eyes. 

I stare at him, unamused by his questions. Is it a thing for mortals to ask so many questions? I believe so. 

"I'm not saying that, but if you keep asking questions. I am going to release a mob party in this very house. That is if you don't shut up! So I advise you to be quiet if you don't want a mob party. Anywho, I was wanting to say when I came in here... Can I stay in this house with you until I get the courage to go out on my own?" I crossed my arms, acting like my anger mood swing was not a thing.

Steve thought for a moment before giving me a brief nod. "I don't mind you staying here for the night, Herobrine. Just do not break anything please, okay?" He pleaded as he takes my cloak off for me. I didn't mind about that. 

"There is a guest bedroom you can use upstairs" He pointed up the stairs and I got up, heading my way there. He didn't really need to show me where the bedrooms were, I know where they are.

When I get to the bedroom, I laid down on the big bed. It was so comfortable, I fell asleep rather quicker than I imagined I would. Especially since there were the sun's rays entering the building. 


I had noticed it got very quiet after I have considered Herobrine to my guest bedroom. Did he fall asleep that fast? I didn't think a god would fall asleep that quickly. Does Notch also fall asleep that quick? Or was that just Herobrine? I do not know. 

I decided to check up on Herobrine to make sure he was actually asleep. There was no way he could fall asleep that quickly. 

When I got to the bedroom, I peek in and I was astonished at how he was asleep on my bed. He laid on his back, an arm over his face while the other rests on his stomach. It made me blush and I walked in the room. 

Though as I watch him, I noticed smoke was rising from his feet where the sun was hitting his feet. I hear him let out a groan of pain as he laid there. I look instantly to the window and I shut the blinds quickly. Did he burn in the sun like a zombie? I mean he is a god of darkness after all. 

I look at him to see the smoke had decreased and I released a sigh of relief. I didn't want him to burn in his sleep and later on yell at me for not saying there were open windows in this bedroom. 

I went to the door to walk out when a heard a moan of distress from the bed. I look over and I saw that Herobrine's face was scrunched up in pain. It was like he was having a nightmare. I wonder what the nightmare was about? 

I go to him and I shake him lightly. "Herobrine wake up!" I grew worried as he didn't respond to me. I shake him harder, worried about what will happen if I just let him sleep. "Herobrine! Wake up!!" I shout. 

Again, he didn't wake from my shaking and shouting. I wonder, 'How hard do you sleep, Herobrine? For a god, you sure are not a light sleeper!' 

I lightly frown as I thought of how to wake him up. "Maybe a slice of cake will wake him up? Surely gods eat sweets?" I whispered to myself as I walk out quickly. I headed to the kitchen to find the cake I baked yesterday. 

I got to the kitchen and I started to search. Where would I put the cake? In the pantry or in the fridge? Or even in the cupboards? (Steve, you ask too many questions) 

I search the kitchen as I muttered to myself, "I don't want to leave him alone, I'm afraid of what will happen if he's alone. Oh Notch, please tell me where my cake is! I want this to be quick." 

After a while of just searching, I had finally found the cake. I brought it to the counter and I sighed in relief. I cut a slice for Herobrine and I also poured a cup of milk for him. 

"I hope this works," I whispered as I head up to the bedroom where Herobrine laid in. I managed to open the door and I set the plate and cup down onto the end table. 

I go to the sleeping Herobrine. He had changed positions it seems. He was on his side, curled up like a fetus. It made me blush at that. A god sleeping so cutely on my bed? Oh yeah, I could get used to this. 

I reach to him and I shake him roughly on the shoulder. As soon as I did that, he woke with a scream. I jump about a foot in the air, alarmed by his sudden burst. 

"You're finally awake! I've been trying to wake you up for the past 30 minutes! I was so worried about you that I even got you a slice of cake to see if that'll wake you up!" I yelled as I checked to see if he was okay. 

After I checked if he was okay, I walked to the end table and I hand him the cake. "Do you want the cake?" I asked as I waited for his response. He seemed to stare at me, almost dazed.

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