Haunting Memories

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Every torch in the house seemed to light up as I stared at the male inside of my house. He looked very familiar and I called out, "Brother?" The male turns around as soon as I finished talking and he was indeed my brother, Notch. It made my eyes go wide, How was he here? I thought he was busy!

Though the longer I stare, the more I see his face was filled with anger. He was angry at me? What did I do to him to make him so angry at me? I thought he was so happy to see me, yet here he is very angry to see me and it makes my heart just shatter

"Brother, what's wrong?" I asked my brother and Notch walked around the room, his cape flowing behind him. "You disgust me, Herobrine." He said, his voice filled with anger. 

I stared at him in disbelief. He can't be mad at me, I've done nothing wrong! This isn't him, this isn't my memories of him. I shake my head as fear overcame my body. "This... You-You're not my brother! He loved me with everything he had! Even if he was busy with his work!" I screamed, my voice filled with such fear

Then, everything went to a blur and when it slowed down. We were in a different scene, another memory of mine. Where was I? I almost don't remember this one, until I saw my house being unfinished and a little me running around. I almost forgot this memory. 

I noticed Notch watching the little me running around and collecting items. Notch looked happy as he was watching me. 

Then he had looked at the real me, which made me flinch. I don't remember him looking off to the side like this. Again, he looked so angry at me... What have I done to make him so angry? Why does Notch hate me so much?

I watched as he walked over to me, his strides were powerful with anger. He frowned as he pinned me to a tree, "You're not supposed to be alive, no one here loves you. No one believes in you and no one will ever care about you. Not even me. My people are scared of you as you torture them." He said, glaring at me. 

This made my whole body shatter, tears forming in my eyes. What have I done to him to make him hate me so much? I've never done anything bad to his people when I did live. They always feared me, hated me, and I have done nothing to them! "That's not true! I haven't done anything to them! They were the ones who hated me and bullied me the first thing they saw me!" My voice trembled as I choked on my tears. This isn't how I remembered him, he always loved everyone even me!

"You are not my brother! Get out of my head! This is not my memory!" I yelled as tears fell down my cheeks. I looked at him as he and everything started to fade. Then I had woke, in tears and sweat. I looked around, my house was back to normal and dark. I sat up from the floor, trembling badly. What was that? Did Notch actually hate me and never show it?

I was too scared to teleport as I ran to Steve. Will he comfort me or is he still mad at me? Did he hate me too? It had been my fear ever since I was small, being hated and abandoned.

When I arrived at the village, the sun was starting to rise. Which meant, I had to take shelter quick. I got to his house and I didn't bother knocking. I didn't even think he was awake until he dropped his bowl from shock. 

I dropped to my knees, panting and crying. Fears filled all over my body as I thought about the memor--Nightmares I should say. 

I look up as I heard Steve walk over. Confusion, worry, and shock were just all over his face. I'm sure this was the first time he's seen a god being so scared and breaking down. It was, who else would be? It's not normal to see a god rushing into your house and breaking down right on the floor. 

"May I ask, what had happened during the night?" Steve asked, quietly as if anyone would hear us if we spoke loud. My body trembled as another wave of tears formed. I didn't want to think about it, but I let it slip. "My brother, Notch, hates me more than I thought he did..." I whispered, my voice quivering from my sadness.

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