A confession?

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When I woke, I looked outside the window. It was sundown and I noticed the scent inside the house was different. It smelled delicious, was Steve cooking?

"Yo, Steve? What's that smell?" I call out as I had exited my door and down to the kitchen. Where Steve was indeed in the kitchen, next to the oven.
He looked over at me and my face just heated up. He was wearing an apron and it fit his body so well that I bet he wasn't even wearing clothes. Though he was wearing clothing under the apron, sadly...

He handed a plate to me and smiled, "Hold it, dinner is almost done." He said as he turned back to the stove. I just watched his body before smirking.

"Nice body~ Can I eat that instead?" I said before I even registered it and I froze in my place. Steve looked over at me, his face a dark red with blush.

He then just plops the food on my plate and covered his face, "Go eat, jerk" He said as he made himself a plate.

I laughed at his words and the expression he had on. It was very cute, I plan to do more later on. I walk over to the table and I sat down, starting to eat the food.

Though as I was eating, I just happen to glance at Steve with a wonder of what he's thinking. So I used one of my powers to peer into his thoughts.

'Omg omg omg omg!! He just said that... He wanted my body... what do I do!? Does he like me too or something? Or is that a way of teasing into something he wants? Is a god supposed to do that? Or does he really like me? Oh man, oh man, oh maannn!!! I bet he's staring at me... I can almost feel him... Don't turn around, don't turn around, don't turn around!' His thoughts were going too crazy for my own mind to keep up so I look back at my own food to keep my own head spinning.

Again, it was driving me crazy with these questions. It has to be a thing for mortals to be asking all these questions. 

As I eat dinner, I noticed it seemed to be lamb meat, bread, and some mashed potatoes. I never knew you could make mashed potatoes at all. This was so good that I swear he is born as a natural chef. Not even the cook inside my castle is this good as his.

"Steve, I swear you are born as a natural chef. This is so good!" I said excitedly and I looked at him as he had arrived at the table.

He sat down across from me and glanced away, his heavy blush was still across his face. "I try my best, herobrine... Thank you" He said as he started to eat.

It was super cute and I just wanted to kiss him for it. We continued to eat in silence, casually glancing at each other every now and then.

When we were done eating, Steve had taken our plates into the kitchen and I just look outside.

It felt weird to me because I wasn't used to being in someone else's house. It felt like I didn't belong here, but Steve is letting me in here. He seems to be fine with me in this house, almost flustered actually. I know he won't kick me out, will he?

I got up from my seat and I looked at him, "I'm going outside if you want to join me when you're done cleaning up" I said as I head outside to his backyard. I sat down on the grass and sighed softly.

The night was a moderately cool temperature, a small breeze coming through here and then. The moon was full and very bright. It was very peaceful and I missed it because I love the night. It made me very calm and happy.

I only heard the door close before Steve had appeared next to me, smiling at me. "The night is beautiful huh?" He looked at the sky and I just nodded. I was staring at the moon with a smile that I didn't even know I was doing.

"you have a nice smile... that isn't a grin or an evil smile," he said as he noticed the smile that was on my face. It made me look at him shocked.

He actually liked my smile? I didn't even know I was smiling at all nor did I know how to respond.

"Was that a compliment or an insult?" I tilt my head, looking at him with a faint glare. I could never tell between the jokes, insults or compliments. Of course, he wouldn't know behind it all that I didn't know between those because I have been bullied quite a lot when I was small.

Steve had looked at me, eyes were wide from my question. "It's a compliment, Hero... I would never ever insult a god like you, nor Notch. Who would ever do that?" He crossed his arms with confusion.

I just simply shrugged, "Many people try to see how upset or angry a god could get if they tried to insult them. Which it leads to death for many players." I look at the moon. It was true though, many of my minions had told me that players around Minecraftia had been spreading rumors and insults about me.

"They do? I never thought they would have tried. I was always taught that if you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything. Especially near a god who would ultimately bring upon your death", Steve looked around then back at me.

I looked over at him and he held this expression that held between hate and grief. Maybe he had friends who had disrespected Notch?

I just sighed softly and looked up to the moonlight. It was very calming to the eye and very beautiful.

"Should we go to bed? It's the middle of the night and there are mobs in the distance. They could probably see me and try to hunt me down" Steve startled me as he spoke and I glanced at him.

I laughed and I looked at them all in the distance. "You could go ahead and go inside if you'd like. Or stay out here and enjoy the view with me" I lay down, resting my back on the soft grass.

He stared at me for a moment before going to get up. Though I had pulled him down and pinned him down on the grass. He let out a gasp and I grinned at him, "but one favor for me first?" I tilt my head and I didn't even bother waiting for a response. I lightly kissed his cheek, which made him have this super cute blushy expression on his face.

"W-What?? W-Why?" He started to stutter and I grin, that was very cute. "All I did was kiss your cheek, it wasn't like I kissed your lips" I whisper as I lean close, brushing my lips against his own lips.

His face grew a deeper shade of blush and he released this soft whimper, which surprised him because he looked so embarrassed afterward. I laughed at the simple response before kissing him on the lips. Hesitantly but surely, he had kissed back though in a shy way. that was very cute yet again.

"Herobrine..." Steve started as he pulled away, looking away. I look at him, curious about what he's going to say. "I know you might know what I am going to say... but I really like you... probably even love you," He said as he looked back at me. His blue eyes staring right at me, wondering what I'm going to say.

I was very shocked. I thought he was bluffing with his thoughts earlier. He actually liked me too? Huh, I wonder how this will be if Notch ever found out about this.

sorry for the late update ;-; ... School, artwork, and gaming has gotten the best of me lately... haha but I'm trying my best to get more chapters done :)

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