He wakes

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Herobrine woke up about five hours after he passed out. He didn't know where we were until I told him. Steve was resting on my lap asleep and I sighed.

"It's been a long day for us." I told Herobrine once I made sure he wasn't going to attack us.

Herobrine rubbed his eyes then his head, "My head hurts so bad but I don't know if it's gone." He said, his voice deep from sleep.

I bit my lip and I crawled over to him, pulling him onto my lap. I massaged his body and he didn't even move, just relaxed in my arms.

I was still curious about his teeth that rarely showed even if he was yelling, talking, or grinning. He hid them well it seems.

Herobrine glanced at me, "what did I do when under control?" He asked quietly and I sighed. I told him everything, from the time we woke up to the present time.

He was shocked. He killed a person, just a singular person. "I thought I might've done worse than kill a single person." He whispered as he rests against me. Steve was asleep so it made every right for me to spend time with Herobrine alone.

I just simply shrugged, "don't think about it now, Herobrine. It's not important right now. We have to wait until Steve wakes up." I told him as I pulled his hair gently, making him look at me.

He nods and I touched his lips with my finger, causing him to flinch with alarm. "Hey. I am still curious about your teeth. You never really shown me." I whispered as I tried to open his mouth.

He just stared before he relaxed his features. "Fine." He accepted the fate.

I grinned and I opened his mouth, being careful of course. I gasped as I saw sharp teeth, large fangs, and a tongue that was serpent like but still a normal tongue in a way. His saliva wasn't normal, it was red like blood but acted like saliva. Yea, this was crazy.

Herobrine was just shivering as I looked at his mouth. I guess he was nervous and thinking I was gonna laugh or tell him something rude. Not like I had that ability to tell anyway.

I poked one of the fangs with my finger and watched as it pricked my finger. "Sharp." I muttered as I let go of his mouth. He closed his mouth and licked his mouth. Wait.. his tongue and saliva is normal when it's out?! How?

I stare as he then wiped his mouth. How was that possible? I just saw his saliva was red and that he had a serpent like tongue!!

He noticed my shock and laughed quietly, so he doesn't wake Steve up. "It's called being able to transform whatever I want when I need to. Or aka Magic." He said as he turned around to face me.

I scoffed, "so do you have a normal tongue or that weird tongue?" I asked and he tilts his head, not answering it. "We have to wait until Steve wakes." He simply said as he rests against me.

I just held him as I sighed, waiting for Steve to wake.

It had been an hour when Steve finally woke.

We teleported to the house next to notch's castle. We had to see what this thing that is going around and affecting all the magic wielders.

Steve was not wanting to go as he was worried one of us were going to be affected again. Herobrine was worried that Notch was going to attack him. I was just worried all of us were going to be killed for going to Notch for the third time.

It shouldn't be that bad..?

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