Into the City

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Once we were well rested and fed, I looked to the city and then back at Mark and Steve. "We should head into the city now to find my brother. I can see his castle in the distance over the wall." I picked up my bag, looking through it to find anything useful I could use. 

Mark grabbed his sword, latching it onto his belt, and grabbed some apples. "Alright, I'm ready to go," He said softly. Steve had his sword, getting ready to go as well. I also noticed they were taking their bags. I wasn't, I only had my dagger and the summonable sword. 

I didn't really care anyway, we were just walking through the city to find my brother. I opened the door, letting the other two go through then I let myself go through. We walked to the gates, seeing how massive the walls were. 

"Why is there such a big gigantic wall?" Steve asked and I looked at him, "How am I supposed to know? I've been living away from this town" I frowned softly. 

The guards looked at us as we approached and I glanced at the sun then back at them. "We request entry to the city," I said to them and they glared at us. 

"Have you been here before?" One of the guards asked. I held my breath and Steve stepped up next to me, "We are wanting to visit the city to stay for a while then we will leave" He said as he glanced at me. "Plus we have a special request for King Notch" He looked at the guards. 

They looked like they were going to reject our entry, but they opened up the gates and let us pass. I released a breath I was holding once we were in. 

"That was harder than ever" I muttered and Mark just shrugged, not caring. He ate one of the apples, looking around at the markets and townspeople. 

I had my sunglasses on so no one would be able to tell where I was looking and what my eyes looked like. I had noticed people looked over at us as we walked by. Of course, they would look at us, we were newcomers in this big city and we looked very different from them. 

"Now, the next plan. How do we go to Notch's castle without being kicked out?" I whispered to Steve and Mark once we sat down at a market place, acting like we were trying to get comfortable in the city. 

Steve looked towards the castle then around the city around us. Mark looked at me, "We can try to just walk up there and see what we could do up there" He chuckled and I nodded, "That's very true, hmm... Shall we head up there now?" I shrugged and they both nodded. 

As we walked, many people from the market tried to sell us some items but we politely refused. Steve and I had quite the trouble making Mark refuse some of the food that was being sold to us. It was quite hard because Mark was such a food addict. 

We did occasionally look through stores to make it believable that we were totally not heading straight to the castle. When we got to the road that leads up to the castle, we noticed how steep the roads were. But there were other people walking up and down the road, so we walked along with the shade on the road. 

Halfway up, I had to stop along this bridge because I felt like I was going to burn in flames if I kept going. This road had no shade what so ever and it was super hot outside which meant that the sun was blazing. 

"Maybe we should've come here when it was less sunny" I muttered as I sat there next to the bridge under the shade. Mark looks at me, "You are weak against this heat" I glared at him as he laughed. "I'm not weak against this heat if you think this is hot. Go sit in the nether, it's worse than this, but at least it's not as sunny there." I grinned. That made Mark shut up and it pleased me. 

As we got there, we were amazed that people can actually roam inside but were limited to where they can go unless they had questions for Notch. Which there were quite a lot of them. We actually got in line and we waited for our turn. 

Surprisingly, it didn't take that long at all and it was only 30 minutes. It was now our turn to go in and when we did. We didn't expect Notch to actually respond to us like this...

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