The dream

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I woke with a start, sitting up and looking around. Everything looked normal, the sun was shining and birds were singing, but I couldn't see Steve or Mark. Where were they? Did they leave me? Are they outside?

I tried to get up, but I couldn't get up. It was like my body was frozen to the ground, my legs felt fine. Why can't I get up?

"MARK! STEVE!" I attempted to scream, but my voice couldn't leave my throat. It was only a whimper that escaped.

I was terrified, why couldn't I do anything? Where were Mark and Steve?

Then I saw something move closer from the deep parts of the cave. It was a dark figure and it was coming closer.

I eventually forced my body up from its paralyzed state, backing up towards the entrance. The figure never stopped, they kept coming closer and closer. "what do you want from me?!" I found myself yelling at the figure, but the figure never replied.

I ran out of the cave, but it felt like I was walking. I felt something cold touch my arm and yanked me back into the cave. A whimper came out of my throat as I tried to scream. I fell to the ground and the figure stood over me, looking down at me.

I was terrified, looking up at the figure. The figure held up Notch's sword above my head and thrusts it down.
I woke with a scream, sitting up. I was able to move and I looked around, my breathing unstable. Steve was gone, but Mark was here.

He looked over at me and he waved. "good morning, Herobrine."

I tried to say something but I couldn't say anything. Was I in another dream? What was going on?

I got up and I looked to the deep part of the cave, it was sealed shut with a warning sign plastered on it. I couldn't read it but I knew it probably was warning not to go further.

I knew I was in another dream because of the lack of reading and speaking. Mark was gone now too. He didn't say anything about leaving.

I was alone again. I felt scared and sad. I didn't want to be alone and powerless. I walked outside, not even the sun could burn me.

Why was I having these dreams? Why can't I wake up? What is the meaning of these dreams?

I heard a voice whisper, "time to wake up, you can wake up now!~" I didn't trust it but I tried to wake up again.
I woke in cold sweat, the campfire was burnt out. Steve and Mark were awake. My breathing calmed at the sight of them and Mark pats my head. "you okay?"

I started to cry, the pain in my leg came back at full force and seeing Mark and Steve was just a relief to me. " I had a bad dream..." I started and I trembled hard. It was heavy and dark. I didn't want to go back to sleep.

When I regained my breath and courage, I told them everything that I could remember about the nightmare. They didn't say anything about it, they were just silent and shocked.

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