Nothing but a Troublemaker

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When I thought I was going to be able to leave the bed and walk outside, I was wrong...

They wanted to keep me in bed as they were worried I was going to hurt myself trying to get up. I was only allowed to get up if either of the three were near me to help me.

I didn't like either choice. So when it came to night one day, I got up by myself. I left my room and I began walking to the door. I looked at Mark, who was asleep. I huffed, blushing. He had a cute sleeping face. I opened the door slowly and I slipped out, closing it quietly behind me.

I began looking around and I went to a room I didn't want anyone to go in. It held a piano. So I closed the door behind me, but the door wasn't fully closed as I thought it was.

I sat down at the piano and I began playing a few tunes before I decided to play some music that I had in my music book. They were easy songs, so they finished easy.

I pulled out some more sheets and began looking through them for harder music I know I can play. Once I did, I began playing.

What I didn't know, was that Steve was watching me from the doorway in shock that I could play the piano so well. He clapped when I finished the song and I froze, the hairs on the back of my neck rising. I glanced over and my eyes widened.

"Steve... I thought you were asleep!" I whined and he walked over. "Well, it's kind of hard to sleep when this beautiful piano music is echoing through the whole castle." Steve explained as he rests his arm on my head, looking at me.

"I didn't know you can play piano." He added and I sighed. "I can and I can play other instruments as well." I said as I looked up at Steve.

He nods before he picked me up. I gasped and I flail around in his grasp. "No! Let me go!! I can walk!" I yelled and he chuckled, shaking his head. "Come on troublemaker. Let's get you back to bed. It's way past your bedtime." He brings me back to my room and he laid me down, tucking me back in. It wasn't the first time he's caught me out of bed without someone next to me. I've done it many times before.

Whether that was to eat, use the bathroom, take a bath or what not. Now it was for playing the piano. Why am I not so sneaky anymore?

Now he was laying next to me, holding me close just to make sure I didn't get up again. I sighed and I began falling asleep.

When morning rose, no one was in the room with me. Awesome! So I got up and I went to the bathroom. I carefully got undressed and I took a bath, a bubble bath.

It was relaxing and calming until I heard Marks voice. I made sure bubbles covered above my body as I look at the door. He walked in and looked at me before chuckling. "Now, you managed to get into the bath alone? Cute." He walked over and he squats next to it.

He helped me do my bath and I never felt so embarrassed. He could see my thin body, my scars, everything! Steve loved it, but I didn't know if he did too.

When I was done, he dried me off and helped me get dressed. We then head down the stairs to the kitchen and Steve was waiting there to feed me.

Null was still eating and marks plate still not finished either. Mark scowled at Steve. "It's my turn to feed him. You fed him these past few days." He said and Steve crosses his arms.

So he fed me and Steve looks over at me. "Let's go walk around today. All of us." He said softly and I nodded.

Finally! We get to walk outside! No more resting in bed and only limited to a few things inside the house!

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