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In the morning, Steve made breakfast and I was sitting at the table with Mark. My hips hurt so much because Steve wasn't exactly gentle, but I couldn't get his touch off of my mind. It was bad because I was at the table with Mark.

"So... Care to tell me why you were...," Mark started to ask, grinning, "so loud last night?" He leans close, watching my pale face redden with a blush.

"It's uh... we were um.. fighting. Yea we were fighting," I chuckled nervously as I rubbed the back of my head. He grins, "I see~ if you were fighting, why did I hear noises instead of voices?" He asked, tilting his head with a huge grin on his face.

Ah shoot, what do I tell him now? He must know we had done it and he's just seeing if I'll say it.

The plates were set down in front of us before I even got to say anything. Steve sat down next to me and glared at Mark. "Leave him be. He's quite injured." He said as he began to eat. Mark huffed, puffing out his cheeks. "Now where is he injured at?" He asked and I looked between them as they stare at each other.

This is bad. Maybe we shouldn't have done it? "Okay, you two. Stop your fighting. Sure Steve and I had sex but stop asking us questions." I said, a dark growl escaping my throat. They just stared at me now. Great, now I was the center of attention again.

"Was it your first time?" Mark asked, starting to eat his food. I stare at him before nodding. "Yes, yes it was," I said as I watched them eat. Again, I didn't eat my food. So Steve has to feed me yet again. Which I didn't mind at all since he was gentle about it.

Luckily, Mark didn't ask who was top and who was bottom. I was not about to let Mark know that. I knew how perverted he was and if he knew I was bottom, I think he would start targeting me as well.

When we were done, we started to explore the Nether. I showed them the breeding grounds, the fortress that surrounds my castle, training grounds, farming, and the ocean of lava that had pillars of lava to the ceiling. There were also many nether trees, farms, and agriculture like the overworld. Just more deadly, hot, and eerie to it.

"It's so hot in this place, no wonder players only limit their visit here," Mark said as he stood next to me in only boxers.

I stare at him, "when did your clothes get taken off?!?" I yelled as I looked up and down his body. "A while ago. It's too hot for clothes. I'm shocked you're wearing your royalty outfit." He laughed and looks around.

I crossed my arms and looked at Steve, who was observing some of the peaceful creatures here. He was fully clothed as well. Mark was just weak.

"Anywhere you guys want to go before we head back to the castle and not get chased by my pigmen again?" I asked as I glanced at Mark. He made us get chased by pigmen earlier when we were at the breeding grounds. All because he poked a baby piggy.

Mark shrugged, "maybe we can go see the gigantic beehive right over there." He pointed to this gigantic beehive hanging from one of the blood trees that hang on the ceiling of this world.

I chuckle, "if you want to get stung by the big wasp that protects it. Then go ahead. I'm not stopping you." I grin and his face paled. It reminded him of the flesh-eating insects at the jungle almost 2 weeks ago.

We got to the slimy part of this hellish world. It was where the magma slimes come and breed and hang out. Most of the time, they wander off to the other parts of the world where they aren't safe.

"They seem peaceful," Mark said as he watched the babies hop around, following Mark. I shrug, "until you meet the older ones." I laughed. He flinched and he looked at me, "Bigger ones?? What do you mean by that?!" He grew worried as he stared at me.

"How else do you think they breed? Those are just the babies, they are peaceful little creatures." I laughed as I walked over, picking one up as it just melts with my touch.

I pointed to this gigantic slime in the distance, "That's the adult version." I said as I look at Mark. Mark followed where I was pointing and his eyes widened, face paling. It was huge. The magma was dripping off of the slime, leaving a trail behind it. 

"This place is gorgeous in its special way, but overall very hostile and deadly," Steve said as he picked up a baby magma cube. It melts in Steve's hand as he pets it. I watched and nodded, "Yeah, I intended it so that players who venture off into my realm won't find my castle easily. This land is huge, portals spawn up everywhere. But nowhere near my castle, so it'll take them years probably to find it," I said as I looked at Mark. 

Mark looked like he wanted to just go back to the castle and I walked over to him, asking, "What's wrong? Do you want to go back to my castle?" He simply nodded to my question and I nodded, petting his hair as I set down the magma cube baby I was holding. Steve did the same thing as we headed back to my castle. 

Once back inside, Mark dropped to the floor and I watched as his body visibly shaking with fear. "This place is horrifying if you think about it deep enough," He said as he looked at me. I shrugged, knowing I just said the answer not that long ago. 

After we all got relaxed, Steve started to make dinner. It was already that late? I didn't think so, but it was. Not like it's easy to tell in this realm as it is in the Overworld. Mark and I sat at the table. He avoided me and I watched as his deep red crimson eyes kept glancing over at me now and then. 

"So, if you want to go back to the overworld, I can just send you right back there," I said as I watched him long enough. Mark shook his head, "I'd like to keep you guys company and honestly, I have nowhere else to go if I were to go back. My village knows that I ran off with you two. They'd kill me if they saw me again..." He chuckled nervously. 

I nod lightly and I watched as Steve came in with food. It was different from most of our meals, yet it smelled delicious. "Alright, eat up," He said as he sets the plates down, sitting next to me with his plate. 

Mark dug in almost instantly and I looked at it. It looked weird, yet smelled delicious. It looked like a mixture of Netherwart, mushrooms, meat, and carrots. I tried a mixture of all and I didn't think Netherwart cooked was delicious but it was, of course, if cooked correctly. 

"Thanks for the meal." We both said after all of us had finished. I cleaned up the kitchen and table. Steve came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. It caused my face to heat up with a deep blush and I glanced at him, confused on what he was planning. 

"I wonder... Can I explore your body?" He whispered as he looks at me, grinning. I shook my head, "N-No, you already had my body last night." I stuttered slightly as I grew nervous. I knew what he was planning now. Not tonight. Not tonight...

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