Notch's Lair

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When we entered the throne room, it was huge! It was so high above our heads, we thought the whole castle was just this room! I looked to the throne, seeing Notch there. He was waiting for us, talking to one of his guards. 

He didn't even notice us until the doors closed behind us. He looked over and I saw a grin on his face then his voice echoed through the throne room, "Ahh~ Steve, Mark, and Herobrine~ I've been expecting you all here." He gets up, his cape flowing behind him as he walked our way. 

I was just frozen, he expected us here?! What does that even mean!? I frowned and took a step forward, "What do you mean you expected us all here?" I lightly growled. Steve and Mark looked at me. 

Notch laughed as he stood 10 feet away from us, "I had a feeling that after I took your powers away, you would have Steve help you find recruits to come to find me. I was correct, you brought one person here with you. That is the boy Mark here" He pointed to mark and he looks directly at me. "So, little brother... how does it feel being somewhat... powerless?" He grinned. 

I stared and almost shrank back behind Mark and Steve. Though they grabbed each of my hand, encouraging me to stay there. My heart was just racing, what do I say? "Speechless huh? Good because I might just keep your powers away from you" He laughed. 

"You leave Herobrine alone! We came all the way here to get his powers back! There has to be a way for him to get his powers back!" Steve said strongly, I heard no fear coming from his voice. 

Notch looked over at him before he clicked his tongue, "Steve, Steve, Steve~ sticking up to my baby brother huh? How cute of you~ Maybe there is a way, but am I telling it to you? Maybe, maybe not~" He laughed. 

I felt the anger build up in me as I listened to the conversation, I didn't want to be just silent but I didn't know what to really say. So, I just let the anger out.

"There has to be a trial or a mission for us to do in order to collect my powers back," I said as I walked closer to Notch. "I don't want to live in fear anymore that someone would attack me and claim me as theirs because I don't have my powers and that I'm vulnerable! We were chased by Steve's village because they saw who I was and decided to attack me. I had to change my look completely because of that. Of course, you wouldn't understand how I felt because you are the creator of this whole world!" I jabbed his chest with a finger, growling. I only reached up to his shoulder, I forgot how small I was compared to him but it didn't matter. I was angry at him. 

Notch just looked down at me and he laughed hard, "Now you decide to speak, little brother?~" He grins and he gripped my hair, pulling it back. I gasped and I tried to make him let go but he couldn't let me go. "You are so small and frail, easy to break" He threw me to the ground, causing me to slide across the floor. Mark and Steve ran to me. Steve was worried that I was gonna hurt my knee again. 

Mark lets Steve help me up and he looked at Notch, frowning darkly. "You dare hurt Herobrine?!" He yelled as he was ready to attack Notch. I looked up at Mark, "Mark, don't. He's stronger than you and me combined!" I was worried about him now. 

Mark looked at me and chuckled then looked at Notch. Notch just raised a brow, "You really think you can go against me? What are you going to do little Mark?" He grins. 

Mark bit his lip and he frowned. He glanced around the room before looking at Notch. "Well, protect Herobrine from your horrible self. We came here to retrieve his powers. But if there's something we can do to get them back, we will do that. No matter how hard it is or how long it is. We will face everything to get those powers of his back." 

I just stared at him, he was doing much better than I even tried to say. I look at Notch as he was staring at Mark. "Hmm, I'll think about it if you really want me to give you guys a mission to do in order to get hero's powers back. That is if you guys try not to yell at me anymore" He grinned. 

"We promise not to yell at you. We will face any challenge you give us" I heard Steve say as he held me up. I guess he could feel me trembling due to the collision to the floor hit my injured knee. 

Notch nodded and he thought for a moment. "Hmm... I want you guys to go to the desert, find the temple, and gather whatever you can from the temple. Then go into Herobrine's realm and gather me a ghast's tear. With those, take them to the temple in the jungle and gather what's in that and bring them all here. Simple task yes?" He grinned.

I watched Steve write it down on a piece of paper as quick as possible but still readable. Mark and Steve nodded and so did I. Though, what I know from this world, there are many jungle temples and many desert temples. It'll take us weeks to figure out which temples to go in. 

"There are many temples here in this world, is there a specific one we have to find?" I asked as I stared at Notch. He nodded, "Yes, indeed. The desert temple would have an opal gem on its entrance door and inside of its walls. The jungle temple would have lapis lazuli around the walls in and outside." He said softly, which I noticed Steve write down. 

That made it clearer, so it'll be easier to find these temples. My realm will be easy because I have a whole army of Ghasts. I can just ask for one of their tears. This task was so simple, so I hope this works. 

I nodded and I looked at Notch. "Then if we give you these items, will you let me get all my powers back?" He then nodded. 

"That is if you bring everything I tell you. Everything from both jungles, and 3 ghast tears." He smiled before walking to his throne, the cape dragging behind him. 

We were then taken out of the throne room and we all looked at each other. "We have to go back to the desert" I sighed softly and Steve rubbed his head. "Well, this is going to be fun. 3 places, all far from each other. The danger is in all zones here." He looks at the castle as we left. 

"Let's stock up on weapons, food, and such before we start our journey," Mark said as we walked down the slope of the castle. 

We all agreed as we settled in my old house, gathering resources for our upcoming journey that we all know will be long and difficult to complete. 

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