Tragic Start

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"I love you too, Stevie" I cooed as I held him. Steve had buried his face into my chest as I smiled, loving the warmth he had.

Now I wished this lasts forever, but the sun was going to rise in an hour or so. I looked at him softly and I ran my hand into his hair, which he responded with a gasp.

I laughed, "you dork, that's just my hand" I smirked and he pouted at me, not liking it at all. Though I kept doing it and he finally gave up, letting me pet his hair.

After an hour passed, Steve had gone inside to go to bed. I didn't complain about it, I was also getting tired. I hum to myself as I gazed up at the stars.

Though, I had noticed a slight difference to the sky. It was turning daytime, which was telling me I had to retreat inside as well. Gah, how much I hated being inside from the daylight.

I got up and I head to the door, sighing deeply. When I had gotten to the door, a voice which sounded familiar called out, "Herobrine...? Is that you?" I glanced behind me and my eyes widened.

No... It can't be. It can't be him. What is he doing here? What is my brother doing here at Steve's house in this ungodly hour?

"N...Notch? How are you here?" I asked, turning fully around to look at him. Notch crossed his arms, "I would say the same thing to you." He glanced up and down my body.

I let out a low growl, "After you left me to die all those years ago, I knew I couldn't let you rule this land alone. So I came back after struggling to find the exit that was blocked. I ruined my hands and my arms trying to dig myself out" I frown.

Notch seemed surprised at this. "I thought you died, Hero... I couldn't find the cave you entered" He walked up to me. I snarled at him, backing up.

I didn't want my killer and my betrayer brother to be anywhere near me. "I came back to prove that a god can't die forever. Steve is taking care of me until I find out why I am losing my place as a king. Though, I didn't think you'd care since all you care about yourself" I growl, my hands bursting into flames.

Notch took a step back and he looked at me. "Hero calm down. I was searching for you, okay? I had announced you dead so the players wouldn't try to find you and try to take your powers for themselves" He tried to reassure me.

That only made it worse, I felt tears swell up in my eyes. "Notch... do you hate me?" I asked as it was the most important question that I wanted to know.

Notch shook his head, "No no. I don't hate you. Why would you think that?" He took a step closer, going to wipe my tears away as they fell down my cheeks.

Crying hurts, why does it hurt so much to look at my older brother? I wipe my eyes and glare at him, trying to hide the sadness. "Stop lying! You do hate me, don't you? You never let me outside, you never let me go socialize to the villagers unless you were right there watching me. The bullies that did hurt me only came back stronger when you had told me that you had told them to back off from me!" I yell as more tears fell.

"Herobrine... calm down. We can talk about this later, okay? How is Steve anyway? You didn't kill him yet huh?" Notch looks at me as I stare at him, trembling.

Of course, he will change the subject. He doesn't care about my feelings. "Steve is fine, I would never hurt him... unlike you" I snarl as I wipe my eyes.

I followed him inside the house and I sat down on the couch. Notch took a look around the house, nodding a bit. He frowned softly as it seemed that he couldn't see Steve anywhere.

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