Quite the Problem

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After we finish eating, we headed towards Notch's city again. We were determined to see what was going on around Minecraftia.

"How do we know if he's lying or if he's tricking us again? Like for your powers, he made us do a mission!" Steve threw his hands up as this situation was clearly stressing him out.

"Calm down Steve. We will get through this I promise." I reassured him as we walked. Mark was walking next to me, this situation was also stressing him out because he already had it happen to him.

It was either my turn next or someone else's. We don't even know if it's already affecting someone right now. We just know we need to figure this out.

"I have a really bad feeling about this, Herobrine. I'm really worried because what if it affects you this time? We don't know how strong you are at all with your powers." Mark told me as we stopped next to a river to cool down.

I nodded softly, I was also worried about this situation. Though, I wasn't as worried as Mark and Steve were. I am Notch's brother, I should have the power to stop it myself if it affects me.

"Yea, I know. I also have a bad feeling about this, Mark. We can't just do nothing about it though. If it does affect me, all I can say for you two is to run. Run as fast as you can. I'll find you once the effect is over." I look at Mark and his eyes widened.

"We can't just leave you. Sure you are powerful due to being Notch's brother but we will try to stop it if it does affect you." Steve walked up to us with some fish, he was soaked which meant he went dunking in the river.

I felt uneasy about his response but I nodded. "I don't know how you will but I believe in you two." I told them as I stick my feet into the river. The water was freezing but it felt nice in this hot weather.

Soon we continued our way to Notch's city and it started to rain on us, not like we cared about it. It felt quite nice after a hot day.

"So, how long did he say it will last once it affects you?" I broke the silence of our walk. Mark looks at me, "I think he said it was a day to a week. Mine lasted for a day." Mark said as he looks at the city coming into view.

I nodded and I rubbed my head. I was worried that I was gonna be affected. But I knew the signs to look for. Which was negative and hatred emotions.

It was hard because my whole body had been getting this negative feeling for the past week... wait...

I paused in my steps, my eyes widening. "I actually think the effect is trying to effect me." I told them as they turned to me.

Steve froze, "what do you mean by that?"

Mark nodded, agreeing, "how? For how long?"

I look at them, "for the past week. I've been getting all these hatred and negative emotions but I've been trying to blow it off. So after we met with that dream walker, I just now realized that this effect was trying to effect me!" I run my hands through my hair to calm myself down.

Marks eyes widened, "keep blowing it off because if you let them get to you, the effect will take control of your body."

I nodded, "it's getting harder and harder each day" I chuckled nervously.

We needed to go now. Right to Notch before this effect takes me down.

"Herobrine, it's turning dark. We need to rest. We can't go in at night." Steve started to set up and I nodded. I sat down and I sighed.

After dinner, I watched as they fell asleep and I gripped my hair. I couldn't go to sleep.

What if Notch is doing this on purpose? What if he's doing this to send this thing after me so he has a reason to blame everything on me? What if... what if he really does want to just blame all his wrong doings on me?

I pulled my hair as these thoughts roared through my head. I couldn't escape these negative worrying thoughts no matter how much I tried to push them away. They just kept getting worse and worse.

What do I do now? This effect is stronger than I thought it was. Unless he's been searching for me with it and is planting all of this onto me while just a small percentage onto other magic wielders?

I moved myself to snuggle between Steve and Mark, hoping their warmth would calm my roaring body down. They both cuddle to me causing me to be squished between them.

This felt really nice. It calmed my body down, but not my thoughts as I thought it would. I just hope it wouldn't affect me while I slept...

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