Free Zone

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An: im sorry! Schools been messing up my sleep schedule so I never have time to really update because I've been sleeping in all my off hours. ;-; enjoy this chapter at least <3

As I let Entity sleep, I've been watching the guards switch places and do their rounds. I couldn't sleep. This place was not normal for me. I do not belong here. Entity was the blame for this.

I curled up in my corner and the guards noticed I was still awake. "Hey! Get to sleep, morning won't be here for another several hours." One yelled at me.

I thought the sun would've rose by now. How long has it been? I just hugged my knees and rest my forehead on my arms. I wanted to get out of here. Magic was forbidden here so I can't just teleport myself out, or phase myself out.

"When can I get out of here?" I asked, looking at them. The guards sneered and chuckled, "whenever the king thinks your worthy of being let out." They then left.

This was bad, I didn't know when Notch was gonna let us out. I didn't want to be here! Never wanted this!

I look at Entity sadly. This was his fault.

When morning came, I woke with a startle as I didn't realize I fell asleep. The guards had opened the cell to bring our food in. There was a guard behind him to make sure we didn't try to kill the other one or escape. I took my plate and so did Entity.

"You two are going to have a trial with Notch later today. After your done eating, you will be waiting in the free zone for him to arrive." The guards say as they locked our cell.

Entity grinned and ate the slop of food. It looked like watery mashed potatoes and smelled like vomit. I was completely disgusted by the smell and looks of it.

"How can you eat this? It smells like garbage!" I asked as I set the plate down, scooting it to him. He took it and laughed. "The food you get is what you must eat while in the dungeons. They won't take complaints to what they serve you. It's either starve or take their food."

I puff my cheeks out and I curled up. "I'd rather starve until I'm released. If Herobrine can deal with no food, so can I." I cross my arms as I say that with a disgust in my tone. I didn't want the food, didn't want to be here, and I didn't want to be sharing a room with my twin.

Entity choked on his food as he sat up. "Our baby brother has anorexia. He can't help it. But with his friends, I'm sure they make him eat. You can't just assume it's going to be easy to just ignore food like this. He's been doing it his whole life. He has no choice due to the disorder. Now eat!" Entity said as he scoots my plate back to me. I did indeed force myself to eat the food, guilty of what he told me about Herobrine.

After what seemed to be an hour of throwing up the food, we were escorted out into the free zone. No magic, weapons, or anything harmful was allowed.

It looked like a park, just without it being a park. Barriers were everywhere to prevent any unnecessary harm or deaths. No one can see the barriers, but those that are related to Notch can whether magic is available or not.

I sat down on a bench and Entity sat in a tree. The tree with no leaves to hide, there were no places to really hide in this Free Zone. But it had fresh air and more room to roam or play.

"Have you been in Notch's dungeon before?" I asked as I looked at Entity. He just simply shrugged, "I've been in so many, I can't remember where I have been or have not been in." He looks at me.

I nodded and I looked around, it was time to wait in this free-time zone. I wonder if Notch even had the free time to even come question us on who was the real culprit or not. I just hope Entity doesn't lie and say it was me. Notch knows me better than he knows Entity. I might have an advantage on getting out.

I want to see Herobrine again to make sure he's been eating, now that I know he has a disorder.

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