Morning Drama

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AN: HOLY COW 1K+ VIEWS?! :O THANK YOU!! Sorry if these chapters seem rushed ;; I'm trying not to make the chapters seem like that ;;

"You are Herobrine... The one who was announced by Notch..." Mark whispered as he stared at me and I simply just nodded. 

I lift the hood back over my head and sighed, "To keep myself as a secret, I want you to help me. I do not want to be known to others and I think you might help us get my powers back." 

He nodded quickly, apparently still shocked to who I really was as he was still staring at me. "I don't want to force this on you, but I do not want to end up getting rumors spread around that I'm here. I am not as they are rumored of being evil and such. I'm not evil as you saw, I'm not even harmful to Steve." I laughed as I laid my hand on my shoulder, sighing softly. I noticed he relaxed, which made me quite happy to know.

"Though, I do have a question for you Mark. What powers can you do? Maybe they'll be helpful to our journey ahead?" I lightly tilt my head, leaning close to him. 

Mark stared and he tried to calm his panicking breathing. He then said after a few minutes, "I can manipulate others feelings or emotions, erase or look at memories, and telekinesis" I noticed him stiff up as I examined him as if his powers made me mad.

I just gave him a short nod, looking to the empty street around us, "Let's go back to Steve, knowing him... I feel like he's panicking right now due to our long absences" 

I pulled the hood further down to hide my face more and helped Mark back up. I then head my way back to Steve, Mark followed close behind me. 

We arrived over to Steve and he noticed us almost instantly as we saw him. "Good, you didn't kill him" He walked over and we head to the inn. 

"You thought I was going to kill him?! I would never do that!" I stare at Steve, frowning lightly as we got to our hotel room. Mark laughed softly as he sat down near the door in our hotel bedroom.

Steve just nodded and glared at me, "Yes because you looked like you were going to kill him! Especially that expression you wore when you looked at him before taking him away!" He then pressed two fingers to his nose and sighed deeply. 

I bit my lip, my features really made Steve think I was going to kill Mark? I need to learn how to control my features it seems. 

"So who will sleep on the bed and who will sleep on the floor? We will discuss our mission in the morning" Steve looked between me and Mark as we all finally got settled down.

I pointed to the floor, taking a pillow with me. "I will sleep on the floor, you guys can sleep together on the bed" I laughed.

Mark was completely fine with whatever was left and Steve sighed deeply. He didn't say anything else as he took a few things then went to the bathroom. I guess he was taking a shower and I laid down. 

"Good night" I heard Mark say before I ended up passing out on the floor. I didn't know I was that tired. 

In the morning, I felt myself being shaken around before I heard Steve say, "Get up you lazy cow!"

I let out a low groan and sat up, about to say something back at him. Until I felt my lips touch another.

I opened my eyes and my eyes widened, pulling back away. I had kissed Steve and his eyes were wide open as well. I had kissed Steve...

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