Becoming King Again Part 1

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In the morning, I woke Steve up by jumping onto him. He woke with a grunt and he looked at me, so confused.

"What? It's 4:30 in the morning, go back to sleep!" He groaned as he pushed me off. I frowned and I poked his cheeks. "Wake up. We need to figure out how I should become king again." I poked harder before he grabbed my wrist, causing me to flinch.

He glared at me, his blue eyes visibly showing that he was tired. "Herobrine. Go back to sleep. It's 4 in the morning. We'll deal with this later." He lets go of my wrist then shoved the blanket and the pillow over his head.

I sat there, crossing my legs and I looked around. I wasn't tired at all. I got up and I walked around the house. I look outside as it was still dark and I looked at my bedroom where Steve was asleep in.

I decided to walk out, I knew I wasn't allowed to but I did anyway. Taking a look around, I saw a few mobs in the distance. Maybe they'll let me talk to them. I got to them and they stared at me. Some stared in horror and some stared like I was a player.

I spoke in their native mob tongue, "|Do you guys remember who I am?|" They all nodded, they do remember. I bit my lip, frowning. "|Then Tell me why some of your siblings think I'm no longer their king?|" I asked with a growl, causing them to flinch. The creeper hissed at me as it spoke, "|They heard you lossssst your powersssss|"

I frowned, "|I just got them back. Tell every your leaders to meet at my castle later today. Tell them that I will not hesitate to kill them if they refuse to come to this meeting.|" I then watched as they scurried off. The spider going to tell the spider queen, the Enders going to tell their Ender Dragon, Skeletons to their skeleton king and such forth.

I nodded and I walked back to my house. Now, to convince Steve and Mark to come back to the Nether with me.

Once they were awake and that we ate, Steve looked at us. "Now, we need to tell your armies about you are their king again." I glanced at him and smiled softly, "I already placed a meeting with them later today. It's in my castle. Shall we go now so we can wait?" I asked as I got up.

They looked at each other then at me, nodding. I teleported us to the Nether once we collected our items. I walked to the table and I noticed the Queen of slimes and King of Magma cubes were already there. The zombie pig man king was there and the queen of Ghasts was there. Now it was just the rest to show up. This table was big enough to fit every mob queen or king.

They greeted me as I nodded my greetings to them. Steve and Mark were shocked to see the royalty mobs there.

I told the cooks to make food for everyone and I sighed softly. I look at Steve and Mark. "I should let you guys in my room so you don't hear lots of mob talking here." I then guided them to my room.

Once there, I dressed in my royal clothing. Which was all black with my crown. I told them to wait here as I went back down to the table, seeing the table is filled with the rest of the kings and queens.

I sat down and I waited for the rest. What I didn't know was that Steve and Mark came down to watch me once every leader came in.

They were surprised by how many leaders there were. One leader for each mob, unless they were alike which would be the Wither skeleton and skeleton then the slimes and magma cubes then the ender dragon for everything at the End including the End City. It goes the same with the Elder Guardian King, he controls the ocean.

I cleared my throat to silence everyone and I looked at them. I spoke to them in the native tongue, "|Some of your minions claim to think I am not their king.|" I waited as I heard a few gasps and murmurs. The ender dragon spoke, "|I told mine to respect you. I'm sure mine aren't doing any trouble like that.|" I then shook my head to relieve her. "|None are causing any trouble to me, Queen of the End.|"

Some spoke theirs which I relieved them as well. It was the zombies, skeletons, and Creepers I'm more worried about. "|Im hearing most of these rumors from the zombies, skeletons, and creepers. I don't know if it spread to the others or not.|" I looked at their leaders as I spoke their minions' names. They looked panicked.

"|We will ssssort thingssss out when we can, Lord Herobrine.|" the creeper queen said as she looks down sadly. I nodded and the other two did the same, they looked guilty that their minions were spreading rumors about me.

The food came out and I watched as they dug in. I wasn't particularly hungry, so I just played with my food. They knew I wasn't hungry, I was never hungry during meetings or at any gatherings.

I'm guessing it was part of my powers because when I didn't have my powers, I was always starving. But now that I do, I just have a hatred for food now. It goes the same with sleep as well, I had slept all the way through the night without my powers but with them, I had little to no sleep.

"|You all are dismissed.|" I told them after an hour of more boring discussion. Once they all left, I gathered all the dishes and brought them to the kitchen. When I came back, I saw Steve and Mark waiting for me.

"How long did you guys.." I asked and Steve shrugged, "the whole time you started speaking to the leaders."

I froze, they heard me speak to the leaders and they must've seen I didn't even touch my food at all. "It was a scary sight because the smallest of the Wither's heads kept looking straight at us." Mark chuckled lightly. I nodded lightly as I did recall the wither king was distracted by something.

Steve walked up to me and he grabbed my jaw, looking at my face. "Why didn't you eat at all today?" He asked and I looked up at him, shocked. "I-I uh... I wasn't hungry. I was too stressed out about the rumors and the meeting I had to do today." I stared at his dark blue eyes.

He frowned, "I see. Well, I don't want you to starve yourself like that. You are going to eat whether you like it or not." He then let go of me and I stumbled back, staring at him in shock that he was acting like this. It was like he hated me. Did he really hate me? Or was he worried about my health?

I watched as he left to explore and I sighed softly. Now I needed to make sure my army was still in training but that can be done later. I need to make sure Steve doesn't go anywhere without my permission. There were rooms he shall not enter. It goes the same with Mark. Though he was okay, he was just following me and also worried where Steve ran off to.

We found Steve heading to my bedroom and I sighed in relief. He wasn't going anywhere I didn't want him to go, that's good. We caught up to him and Mark asked if he could explore outside. I nodded, "yea, just don't get killed." I chuckled and he nods, leaving.

Now I was alone with Steve again and I bit my lip. He looks at me, pinning me against the wall. I flinched a bit, eyes wide. He leans close, pressing his lips against mine, and I shivered a bit. "Steve... what are you doing?" I asked once he pulled away from my lips, looking at him. Steve chuckled, "Well, we are alone now and we didn't get to finish what we started last night. Now did we?" He tilts his head to the side. 

My face heated up so much from that and he laughed. "Or do you want to wait till after you know you're king again?" he asked, kissing my neck causing me to tilt my head to the side for him. I didn't know what to do, should I wait or let him have me? I glanced at him, "I don't know Steve..." I simply said as I looked at his body, biting my lip hard. It was a tough choice. I wanted him, but I wanted to be king as well...

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