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It took them an hour to get to Notch's Office but when they did, they did not look happy. We all can just feel it from them.

Entity wore a slight bloody white coat, his red eyes having piercing glow under the hood. A scythe resting on his back.

Null had a dark jacket, pants, and a dagger sheathed on his belt. His big weapon was just a sword, runed with dark magic.

They were definitely not the people you would want to meet on their bad side.

Notch looks at then both as they sat down on the couch across from us.

"Do you know what's happening around Minecraftia? This plague that is turning those that wield magic evil for one day to a week. Our baby brother and his friend Mark had already gotten affected by it." Notch didn't break eye contact with the both of them as he spoke.

Null and Entity just looked anxious. Did they actually start this? Are they the actual culprits who did it?

I watched with curiosity.

Entity spoke, his voice was deep with a dark growl, "what do you know about it? Why would you put the blame on us?!" His face turned into a frown as Null pats his shoulder.

Notch shook his head, "I know as much as these three know about it. We just assumed you know about it since you two like to do mischief to other players." He said as he looks at me then back at the twins.

"So what if it is us? What would happen to us?" Null asked, his voice was filled with worry. I think he was the nicer side of the twins, Entity seemed to be the evil side.

Notch thought about it before writing a few things down. Mark was pacing, just hoping they'd confess.

"It would be punishment for sure. I'm not too sure what it'll be though. Just know it won't be too easy of a punishment" Notch said as he looks at the twins.

I look between them all, leaning close to Notch. "Do you think they'll confess?" I asked in a hushed whisper. Notch nodded.

Entity crossed his arms, scowling at us. "Fine it was us. We started this because everyone is too nice. We started on one person, but it seemed to bounce off and spread as if searching for someone to really cling to. So we just let it go. Didn't think it would come all the way to Herobrine. Do you want us to get rid of it?" He asked as he held out the palm of his hand, a dark red flame appearing in his hand.

Notch looks at me and I nodded. I didn't want to risk killing anyone again. I know everyone must've felt guilty for doing what they did after coming back to reality from the affect.

I know mark did, he was shaking and nervous when we met up with him again. I was scared after because I nearly killed mark and I killed a different person.

Notch turned to them, "yes. Get rid of this affect. I'm sure there are other evil doers but you can't assume everyone is nice and force them to be evil. It's not right." He said as he got up, getting ready to punish them after they get rid of it.

Entity nodded and whispered something of another language before blowing on the open flame. A burst of sudden energy just courses through everyone, exploding through out the world.

I felt almost relieved after this heavy feeling lifted from me. Mark released a sigh and notch just rolled his shoulders. Wait, it had affected him too?

Entity looks at us, "there it's gone." He said as he didn't know what was going to happen next.

Notch nodded and he sent them to the dungeons, where no one can be let out unless it's Notch himself who does it.

Null was sad to go, but he had no choice. He didn't have any participation in his twin brothers doing.

Once they were gone, Notch looks at me. "Now that it's gone, what are you three going to do now?" He asked the tough question.

We didn't know what was going to happen next. What were we going to do? We did everything we could. I got my powers back, we stopped Entity and Null, and we are just now clueless.

Mark shrugged, "we will probably just relax after this. These months have been scary crazy. I just want to relax and I know those two will to." He pointed to me and Steve.

Notch nodded and smiled. He sent us back to my realm, surprisingly in front of my castle.

We all fell onto my bed in a dog pile. I was under everyone. This was nice. Now, what to do...?

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