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When I woke, the room spun and the lights blurred my vision. My throat let out a groan as I look around, trying to figure out where I was. I was in my room, on my bed. Steve was sitting next to me on the bed, worried.

"ah, you're alive and awake," Steve said with relief. I stare at him and I managed to croak out, my voice hoarse, "How long was I asleep?"

"About a week. The injuries were bad and I had to get a medic to bandage you up enough to stop the bleeding." He said as he kissed my forehead. "There's no sign of Mark anywhere in the Nether. I tried to find him, but I think he went into a portal nearby." He said against my skin as he held me close.

I nodded and I let out a deep growl. He betrayed us. He probably is telling everyone and getting an army. Only time could tell.

My growling stopped as I was sat up and steve cradled me. I look at him, my stomach exploding with pain. Steve brought medicine up to my lips and I look at it before taking it, swallowing the liquid that came with. It was medicine for pain.

"thank you," I whispered as I look at him. He nodded and he held me close, sighing with content. "I thought I was going to lose you. I was so worried." He looks at me and I nodded.

I didn't know what to say since I never had this kind of worry that Steve is having about me.

After a week of catching up and getting ready to visit the overworld again. Steve and I had trained in fighting. I taught him how to dodge spell attacks and use a simple shield spell, he taught me how to dodge melee and fight as one.

We didn't know if Mark planned on attacking again or not. So we trained just in case.

When we got to the overworld, we were cautious. He could be anywhere. Plus it's been 2 weeks.

We found Steve's old house and it was indeed burned halfway down. The cellar where all the loot was, had been untouched and still locked.

That's where we found him. He was in the unburnt side of the house, watching us. I noticed him before he could do anything, yet it was still too late.

A trap was set off and daggers landed in my thighs. As well as Steve's hip. Steve yelled out and dropped to the floor.

I frown, using my strength to walk over to Mark. I had to know what he was planning. "What do you want from us, Mark? Why did you leave us and betray us like this?" I asked and he looks at me. 

"Nothing much~ I just wanted Steve to myself." He said as he frowned. I flinched slightly, "That gives no reason to do this at all. I'm sure we can work this way out. This can't be the real you. We worked together for this. I don't want to lose our friendship right now." I sat down in front of him.

He looked scared, anxious, and sad. I knew he probably didn't mean to hurt us. I know he would never betray us like this. He sighed and looked away, "I'm sure we could... but you probably hate me now that I nearly killed both of you." He said quietly.

I nodded at that fact, "you did almost kill both of us, but I'm sure there's a way for us to settle this." I sighed and I yank the dagger out of my thigh. 

He didn't know what to do now that we were here. It makes me question why he did it in the first place if all he could've done was talked to us about it.

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