Mining Trip

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We had arrived at the mineshaft and I looked at the cavern entrance. I didn't think it leads anywhere nor did the cavern look like it either. Though, with the lucks of Steve, I think he somehow made it look like how it is right now. 

Steve walked in the cavern and I followed, looking around. The stone was so bare that I was shocked. This whole cavern was explored and mined out. 

"How long did it take you? You know, to clear this whole thing out." I glanced at Steve, curious. Steve shrugged and he looked at the cavern. "I think about a few months. I still haven't cleared out the newest cavern I have found." 

I nodded lightly and ran a hand along the stone as I passed by them. I was shocked it took that long to clear out and it's still in progress of clearing out. 

We went deeper and deeper in the cave until we came across this base. I'm guessing this is where he keeps most of his cobble and items that he needs in this cavern. 

I took a look around and my jaw dropped. There were so many chests in this whole base. IF I had to count, I would say there were at least 30 chests and probably more. 

"Is this where you keep your stuff?" I opened one of the chests, my eyes widening to see so much cobble. Steve was storing some items away in the chests and he nodded. 

"Yes, it is, because I have nowhere else to put it inside my house," He said as he grabbed some supplies. 

I look at him before exploring more of the base and I was shocked at how big this base actually was. I thought it was going to collapse, but if it had survived more than a month with how much Steve's been here. I would object it, though I had to ask.

"Will the cavern collapse above us?" Fear, which wasn't on purpose, had shown in my voice as I asked that. 

Steve just looked over and shook his head no, "The cavern won't collapse. I made sure of it when I started it" He smiled. 

He heads to the bridge that leads across a ravine. I followed closely behind him, scared if I didn't that I would be left behind. 

I looked down at the ravine, it was deep. One wrong move and we were both dead. Though as I notice, it was completely mined out and explored! I couldn't detect any ores here! 

I ran into Steve, not knowing he had stopped. I look at him as he was holding a sword to me. "What's this for?" I frowned lightly. 

"It's an iron sword. Take it" He smiled. I sighed deeply, protesting "I don't need it. You take it, I'm fine with myself." 

"Hero, just take it. What if a mob comes up behind you? Take it or I'll beat you with this very sword" He hands me the sword again, a threat in his voice. 

I took the sword quickly, almost terrified of what he would do if I didn't. I was still immortal, but it didn't mean that I'm still as strong as I was. 

I held the sword and the pickaxe like weapons as I followed Steve deeper into the mine. I was quite terrified of being back in a cave, considering I had died from one a few years ago. 

I bonked into Steve again as he had stopped abruptly. We had gotten to a dead end, which I was shocked. It didn't seem that we were that long of walking. 

"Start mining here. Keep an ear and an eye out for mobs that might attack us" Steve started to mine at the stone. 

I look around and I grinned darkly. I can detect so many ores in this one area that I might beat Steve to it since he's mining so slow. I start digging to the ores, being careful of the lava that I could also detect nearby. 

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