Becoming King Again Part 2

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Steve got off me and he looked away, nodding. He looked hurt, I didn't mean to hurt him...

"I'll wait until you are king then," He said as he sighed, looking at me. Sadness was in his eyes.

He left to go back to my dorms as I just stood there with shock. I broke his heart, I must've broken his heart.

I watched him walk up the stairs before running after him. "Then help me so it will go faster. We just need a few more to do and it'll be set that I'm king again." I said as I grabbed his hand.

He stared at me, eyes wide before nodding. "Alright. What's our next mission?" He asked and I responded, "my armies. I need to make sure they are working because they stopped when I was lacking the king aspect. I couldn't get them to work."

He shifts in his spot, thinking about a way to get my armies to work. "What do they get rewarded with for working?" He asked and I froze. "Well uh, I don't remember."

"Give your army food or something. Or whatever they would desire as a whole." Steve suggested and I nodded, I could try that.

I know my ghast army still trusts me because they were still training when we collected their tears. Now it's the rest of my Nether Army.

We set off to the army training grounds and I saw that everyone was indeed training. "That's odd... they weren't training for a month before I left here when I met you," I said as I narrowed my eyes at them.

Steve looks at me as he said, "my only solution is that they felt that you became king already or their leaders told them to continue training because of the meeting an hour ago." He then shrugged.

I had to agree with him. Maybe they did tell their people to continue working. "Now we have to announce that you are not dead and you are a king," Steve said as he looks over at me.

My heart froze. Announce to everyone that I'm not dead? To face other people who might still hate me? To face people who might fear me and spread rumors about me?

I look up at Steve, taking a shaky breath. "How about no. Not that part. The mobs already know I'm a king again and I don't want to face other players yet," I whispered the last part, rubbing my arm. Steve took notice of my fear and nodded, patting my back.

"Alright. We will not announce to the players about it." He lifts my chin and brought me into a deep kiss. It caught me by surprise but my body melted as I kissed back.

Though it was ruined as we hear a whistle down the hall and Mark walking up. "What's this I see?~ hmmm? A love between the famous Steve and the King of the Nether?" He laughed and my face must've gotten red because he laughed harder.

"Mark, if you don't shut up I'll go over to you and shut you up myself!" Steve yelled as he got defensive. Mark rose his hands up, chuckling.

The day was spent by me showing them around, telling them where they can and cannot go. When it was dinner time, Steve shoos out my chefs and started to cook dinner. I told my chefs that they had the whole week off and they left happily.

Mark sighed, "there's not much to do in this castle huh?" He asked as he looked at the glowstone chandelier. I nodded, "because I really just made it for me to have a castle. Nothing more, nothing less." I said as I looked down, feeling guilty that Mark was bored because Steve didn't seem to mind about the emptiness.

When the plates were handed out, I didn't touch my food yet again and I just sat there playing with it. I noticed it was Chicken Alfredo with some carrots and bread. Steve noticed me not eating and he sat next to me, grabbing my fork out of my hands. "If you're not going to eat, I am feeding you," He said as he twirled some of the pasta onto my fork.

He brought the fork to my mouth and I dodged the fork, shaking my head. I didn't want to eat. I wasn't hungry. "Herobrine..." Steve started, frowning as he stared at me.

I didn't have a choice to refuse after he practically sat on my lap with my plate in his grasp. "Open your mouth." He said as he puts the fork up to my mouth again. I did as he said. I opened my mouth and ate my dinner as he fed me.

Mark was too scared to refuse the food now that he knows what Steve will do if he did, not like he ever refused Steve's food before anyway.

When dinner was done and cleaned up. I showed Steve and Mark their rooms. I went in mine and I took a bath, relaxing under the water. It was relaxing until I heard my bathroom door open...

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