The Escape

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AN: this might or might not be a tense chapter haha~ good luck -- I'm bad at this... hope you enjoy! ^-^

It seemed like hours have passed by before the villagers decided to continue eating and talking to each other. I didn't even like the silence at all and it really bothered me. Like, what if they are thinking about targetting me?

Though at least me, Mark, and Steve didn't last long on eating our breakfast. They knew what should be done, so we walked out of the inn as fast as possible.

I kept my hoodie on, keeping the hood over my face, even though it was blazing hot outside. I just couldn't let them see me again. Mark looked at me, biting his lower lip. He pats me on the back and sighed, "Again, I'm very sorry for what happened. I didn't think you were actually going to cry because I didn't know you actually had a fear of letting others know about you" 

I just shrugged, tears blurring my vision again. I felt defeated that my face was shown to the public. We were currently on a mission to change my clothing so no one would come after me.

Though, apparently, news spread fast because now everyone was staring at us but more at me. I was again the center of attention and I hugged myself, not liking it at all. I didn't want it, I didn't want this attention!!

Some whispered as we passed by towards the clothing market. They must hate me now that they know who is in their town. 

I felt a hand rub my back and I looked towards Steve. He whispered, "Don't worry, we will leave as soon as the sun is gone" He smiled at me and I simply just nodded. 

After the shopping mission, I was now wearing a black hat, some sunglasses, a black sweater, blue jeans, and new shoes. They were worried that if I kept anything on me, the villagers were going to target me. Though that didn't even stop them at all. 

They were still staring, some had grins on their faces and some had weapons. "This doesn't even look good now that our shopping mission got in the way" Mark looked at me and Steve. We nod in agreement and I noticed some people had daggers turned towards us. 

I didn't even look away from them, not fazed if it were to hit me but I was worried that they were going to throw it.

What really shocked me was that Mark had picked me up and ran to the inn for our bags. Steve ran ahead to open the doors for us. 

Once we were in our hotel room, we heard yelling and running towards our room. We packed quickly and I heard a few people yelling, "Catch them and kill them! They have the god! We must have him for ourselves!!" 

I didn't like that at all! Neither did Mark or Steve either. "We need to go now!" Steve helped pack as fast as possible and I huffed, "But I can't! I'll burn!" Steve then looked towards me and nodded. 

"I know, we'll run along the river in the shade back to my place," He said as he pats my shoulder.

Mark opened the window and looked at Steve, "Our best bet is to keep going. Not even your place is safe if it's near this village... They'll follow us there. We'll have to start fresh" 

Steve nodded in agreement, realizing that. I look at them, getting anxious that we were going to run out of time. 

"Guys, I can teleport us there. They'll have no clue and it'll give us time to collect little things we need in the house" I said as I glanced at the door as the banging and yelling to the door continued. 

They nodded and held out their hands, "Do it!" I grabbed each of their hands and I teleported us to Steve's house. 

I totally forgot to tell them about the effects of teleportation to mortals; which was nausea and dizziness and a little paralyzing to the body. Mark and Steve both threw up as they dropped to the floor. 

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