Notch's Visit

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Herobrine's POV

Everyone was worried to enter Notch's city. Steve really didn't have to worry about him being affected as he can't do any magic except for the shield spell I taught him.

Mark was pacing around, panicking. He didn't want to enter the city for what might happen.

I didn't want to go in as I was worried Notch was going to lecture me about killing a person.

This was going to be tough. No one wanted to go in. Though, we had to go in to see what this is that is going around affecting the magic wielders.

"Maybe we can send a letter?" Mark suggested after two hours of procrastination.

"Who here can write?" I asked, knowing I can but I write like a toddler, all big messy and not spelled correctly.

"Don't all of us write?" Mark asked, staring directly at me.

"Well.. I meant in a good way. Like, who has the best hand writing because I don't have a good hand writing" I chuckled.

Steve and mark nodded. "oohhh. Well I can write for us." Steve said as he takes out a feather and ink. Where did he keep that?

I hand him some paper summoned from my realm so Notch would look at it instantly. It was a red tinted sheet of paper. He always wrote back no matter what it was about, even if he was so cruel in person to me.

I guess he would rather do letters than in person.

Steve wrote down the letter about what was happening. He had very good handwriting. In this language I didn't even understand and it was small!

When he signed it, I closed it and sealed it. I then sent it to Notch through the teleportation way. But the letter burned as it's way of teleportation and burned itself back to normal once it hit its destination.

Steve froze, "did you just burn the letter?" He looks at me and I shook my head. "Nope, I sent it to him. He should see it." I reassured him.

I then poked his forehead, "what language were you writing in? That was a weird language and it was small." I stare at him.

He just laughed, "were you not taught cursive? It's what you write in a lot for many things. Such as signature, letters, and such more." He looks at me.

I shook my head and I was in disbelief. "What did you tell him?"

"I told him that we need something urgent to tell him about what is happening around Minecraftia. About this thing going around and that it was only effecting the magic wielders." Steve told exactly what he wrote then said he wrote his name with a PS of that I let him write it for me.

I nodded. It sounded okay.

After an hour, we all froze in our spots as a letter plopped down in front of us. It had notch's seal.

I opened it up and I gave it to Steve to read it for me. I never had been taught to read so I always had one of my servants do it for me.

Steve read the letter and I listened.

"Dear Steve, Mark, and Herobrine;

I have read your letter. I know you guys might blame me but I do not know what this is. Come to me at once and explain what this effect is doing to all magic wielders or how it starts. I am waiting for your arrival. Tell Herobrine to teleport you all here. This is urgent news to me.

~ Notch."

I look at it then at Steve. All of us were shocked. He didn't even know about it...

I grabbed Mark and Steve's hand then teleported to Notch.

Notch was in his office. He wasn't in his throne room like he normally does.

Notch looks at us, "Now. Tell me what this is. This is very urgent news to me." He said as he grabbed some paper to take notes.

We all took turns in what happened, what had been told to us, and what we saw when both Mark and I had been affected.

Notch was taking notes the whole time, listening and seeing what could be doing this.

Steve then added, "Someone else with magic abilities could be affected right now as we speak. The dream walker told us that some people think you are the one to blame. Since it affects the people after they meet with you."

Notch looks at Steve before nodding, rubbing his beard. "But you guys were no where near me when it happened to you. So it has to be someone following others or someone in my castle." He said as he wrote down more.

Mark gasped, "wait! What if it's Null and Entity? We don't know about them much but they aren't next to each other like you and Herobrine are. We encountered Null, but he disappeared after a while. They are also magic wielders like you two are." He was excited that he might've solved the problem.

Notch was quite still after Mark said that before he nodded. "That might be a clue. They like to wander and use their magic on others." He said as he wrote two letters to both Null and Entity.

We might solve this effect from the world. Let's hope they are the actual culprits.

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