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Nulls POV

I watched as my twin brother sat on the floor, pouting and growling quietly like a child having a tantrum.

We were in Notch's dungeon. Magic is banned here, our weapons were taken away, and we were stripped to rags to make sure our clothes didn't have anything special in them.

I sat across the room from him, pouting myself. I did nothing to get in this situation. I didn't help Entity at all, not give any ideas to do it. I didn't even know he did anything like this!

"Why did I have to get punished too?" I asked, a slight whine coming out of my wispy echo voice, "I did nothing to help you do it!"

Entity looks at me, his red eyes glaring into my white ones. "Because, he doesn't trust only one of us to have done the problem. If one twin does it, the other has the chance to repeat it. Sure you didn't give me the idea, but you helped me get the idea."

I just froze, I gave him the idea? I ran my hand through my long black hair, pulling it. "How did I give you the idea?! I did nothing! I don't remember saying anything about making people evil." I pull my fingers out of my hair, looking at Entity.

Entity barked with laughter and he got up, walking over to me. I just watched him, he had the better body than me since he loved to fight.

I just chose to follow people, messing with their animals. I don't do anything to anyone without feeling guilty. He doesn't even care. He slaughters everyone that comes in his way.

He squats down in front of me and grinned, "because you're too nice. I wanted to see what you'll be if you were evil instead." He then looks at the cage door as the guard told him to back away from me.

He did as he was told and sat back down where he had been before.

I cross my arms and looks away. Using me to do his business. How dare. I bet that person he tried it on was me and since I have this aura that bounces magic off, it's the reason why it spread to others.

I'm the reason why it spread to others. He started it, but I spread it.

My arms fell as my eyes widened. I'm a bad person.

Entity stared at me in confusion and he asked, "what's with the shocked face? You just now realized what you've done?"

I couldn't bare this fact. I helped spread it by accident. It went to Herobrine and Notch. I can't bare this.

"Your a bad person. You know I hate being mean to anyone" I said as I look at Entity, sadness filled my eyes. I hated this.

Entity laughed and shrugged, laying down. "Whatever, I'm going to bed. Have fun sulking about being punished~" he said as he rolled away, facing the wall.

Easy for him to say, he's been in many dungeons before. This is my first one and I'm stuck with him... this is just great.

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