The Village

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I felt like I was asleep for 30 minutes and I was already woken up by Steve. He was holding our bags and he frowned. "Get up your lazy self. We got to go to the village." He tossed my bag at me, which I caught even if I was so tired. 

"How long was I asleep for?" I got up, putting my bag on and fixing my hair lightly. "Two hours."

I stare at him, "Two hours?! It felt like I was asleep for 30 minutes!" I get up, shocked. Steve just laughed. 

He packed some food before he heads to the door, bringing me with. I grumble lightly and followed him. 

I hated him even more now because it was still daylight and it was getting hot as we were walking down the road to the village. 

I bet he just wants me to suffer, he would laugh his face off if I caught on fire. 

"Why can't we wait till tonight? I'll end up burning on our way to the village. I can already feel myself heating up and about to burst into flames" I cross my arms, growling. 

"No, they'll think we are bad guys if we head to the village at night. Plus even if you did burst into flames, I would throw you into the river nearby" He pointed to the river that was only 20 feet away. 

I mock him, "'Don't try to burn or I'll throw you into the river'. Yeah, okay. I can't because I burn in the sunlight" I cross my arms and Steve glanced at me, stopping in his tracks.

He sighed deeply, shaking his head. I tilt my head lightly, biting my lower lip. I bet he's mad at me now because I heard the anger in his sigh. 

"I feel like I just made you mad" I laughed softly, which he replied with a nod.

"Yes, you did. Is being in this sunlight that bad? I won't let you burn like a zombie anyways." He then kept walking, which I followed with a pout. "Sorry" I whispered, which he nodded. 

It took us 3 hours and multiple dunks into the river when we got to the village. I was not happy as I was walking soaking wet, but at least I didn't burn. I took a glance at the village and stopped in my tracks. It was a desert, there was nowhere to hide for shade. 

I can already smell my clothes starting to warm up, threatening to burn me again. Steve grabbed me and he heads to an inn. I walked in and I sighed with relief, at least the buildings had AC. It was so cold that I loved it. I slumped into a chair, knowing I was dry enough to sit down. 

I felt a few pats on my shoulder before looking over at Steve. Steve just grinned, "your shoulder was burning" He laughed.

Of course, who knew it wasn't going to burn? I released a sigh, "Be glad I am pretty much powerless right now" I glared at him. 

A bark of laughter escaped Steve and I pulled the hood that I had on over my face down more on my face when I saw some people look over at us. I didn't care if I had to take my hood off, I am not going to let anyone see my face. 

I also watched as other people greeted Steve like he's been living here his whole life. I sighed in jealousy, looking away from them. 

Steve got us a room inside the inn and it was only one big bed, the other twin bedded rooms were taken. 

"I'll take the floor then," I said as I sat down on the floor, relaxing from walking all day. Steve sighed softly and chuckled.

"The bed is big enough for us to sleep in, you know. You are pretty thin to fit on the bed" 

Steve looked at me as he takes off his bag, setting it down on the floor next to his claimed side of the bed. I didn't take my bag off, I kept it on. I didn't trust this place enough to do so. 

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