Journey To The Desert

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"I don't honestly know where another entrance to the desert would be that isn't the village," Steve said as we walked.

I sighed, my knee was killing me, my body felt like it was going to burst into flames, and my feet ached. We've been walking all day and I whined softly, "Can we sit down for like an hour? I'm dying" I leaned against Steve's back, pouting.

"Herobrine, I can carry you if you must," Mark said as he looked at me. His arms were already full of me handing him my bag, swords, and all. I don't need him to carry me to add more weight into that.

I glanced at him, frowning, "you are already carrying most of my stuff. I don't need to add into that." I cross my arms, still leaning against Steve. Mark rolled his eyes and he kept walking.

"If you two are going to fight the whole way there, I'll make you guys kiss each other until you two are done yelling at each other" Steve glared at me and Mark. We did shut up, but I never stopped complaining.

I never really stopped complaining during the journey anyway as it was super hot. There wasn't even a cloud in the sky during the days we started walking to the desert!

Once it became dark, we all sat down and Steve started to make dinner. Mark was gathering wood for the campfire. I was setting up camp for the night and I sat down on my sleeping bag, rubbing my knee that was throbbing in pain. It seems like the wound never really healed if it still hurts this bad.

I lift my pants sleeve above my knee and I looked at the shut wound. It was all bruised and looked like I shouldn't even be able to walk at all, but I can still move it since my body wasn't like Steve's or Mark's. It was an in-between zombie and a human. I can feel pain, but I can still function it if it were to get hurt. Like for a zombie, they can get hurt but they won't feel the pain and whatever was hurt will stay in one position or fall off. For a human, they get hurt and they can't use that for weeks. Mine, I can get hurt and feel the pain but I can still use it as if it weren't even hurt at all. If that makes sense.

The downside to it was that if I don't get enough rest, the wound will hurt until it heals itself or if I get enough rest for it. For which, I don't do at all. I don't give it enough rest or let it heal.

"Herobrine~ You lost in your thoughts again?" I flinched deeply and looked at Mark, who was in my face. His lips close enough to touch mine, but I know he was just trying to see what I was doing.

He laughed and pulled back, grinning. "Well, dinner is done silly," He said as he gets up, going to the makeshift table where Steve was placing our meals on. I sighed and I followed him. "Yea yea, I'm awake," I said as I sat at the table, grabbing my bowl. It was mushroom stew with pieces of wolf meat in it.

We all dug in and I melted with the taste. I'll never get sick of Steve's cooking. We were all silent as we finished our meals and got ready to do our night rounds. Me and Mark got to go to sleep first, Steve took guard first and Mark took the second round of guarding. They wanted me to rest more due to my knee injury almost a week ago.

In the morning, we started our journey to the desert again. Mark didn't even let me grab my stuff, he just put all of it on him. So I was walking without my bag or sword. Steve didn't really care what happened, as long as we got our mission done.

After a few days, we saw the desert and we ran up to it. "Well we got to the desert, now we have to find a temple!" Steve said as he looked at us. I plopped down on a root, sighing heavily. "Can we just... you know, sit for a while before we enter the blazing dry biome?" I looked at him and he sighed, nodding. "One hour" He then walked off.

I drank some cold water, looking at Mark who was eating yet another apple today. I think it was his 8th apple today. "You must really love apples, Mark," I said as he looked at me. He nodded and gave his half-eaten apple to me. I sighed and took it, taking a few bites out of it. I handed it back to him and he grinned, eating it more until it was to the core.

"Hey, I wanna see something," Mark said after a few minutes of just staring at me. I just frowned, "you were staring at me for 10 minutes, what else do you want to see?" I asked and he scoots closer to me. "Your teeth. If people claim that you are the devil, I wanna see how sharp your teeth are..." He reached to my mouth and I leaned away from him. "Woah Woah Woah! Oh Nether No am I letting you see inside of my mouth!" I held my hands in front of me to keep him at an arm's length distance.

Steve looked over, "what are you two fussing over about?" He asked as he walked over. "He wants to see my teeth due to some rumors about it!" I said loudly as I pointed to Mark. Mark just laughed as Steve sighed heavily.

"Mark and Herobrine. I swear to Notch that you two are weird. But anyways, Herobrine. Is that true? Do you actually have different teeth than us?" Steve looked at me and I froze in panic. Now they both are looking at me for answers. What do I say now?

I bit my lip before nodding, "Yes... I do have different teeth than both of you. All of my teeth are sharp, 2 of them are sharper and longer than the others like a vampire would with normal teeth. But if you guys think I'm going to show you... No, maybe later but not right now." I said as I look to the desert.

They were both shocked by the response and nodded. "Alright, we won't push you to show us. But is it hard dealing with all sharp teeth?" Steve asked and I shook my head. "You just get used to it" I shrugged and I sighed, getting up. I threw my bag over my shoulder and looked to the desert.

"We should get going before night comes. We need as much travel done in this desert before this night rises upon us" I said as I looked at them. Mark nodded, grabbing his things as well. Steve did the same and we started on our journey into the desert.

As I expected, this biome was huge and sand blew everywhere. It was hard to see far when this place was hot, dry, and windy. Though luckily, I can spot a desert temple ahead of us and I hope it's our correct one...

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