Uh oh...

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The day went by great! Steve, Hero and mark went to their rooms. I had a room to myself like Mark did, it was right between both of their rooms so if I needed anything, I could go to either one.

I mostly spent the night watching out of the window, my hair in a wet big bun. I wore a dark nightgown. I was thinking... thinking and thinking...

Would my older twin and Notch love me more if I cut my hip length hair? Would they love me more if I didn't act so feminine? Hero loves me for who I am... but it hurts to know that we both are the main ones being ignored in our family.

The thoughts flooded my brain, causing me to lose sleep. The one thing that I know me and Hero shares. Insomnia. Mostly because of our own thoughts.

I released a sigh and I climbed into the bed, the blanket was thick and heavy made just for me by Herobrine. It helped apply pressure so I could sleep. Though I proceeded to look at the clock, that did nothing but constantly spin since the Nether didn't have a day or night cycle.

That was until I heard talking outside... no mortal should've been able to get to the castle!!

I shot up out of bed and I ran to the window, peering out. It was a group of mortals... a small piglet had been tortured badly to show them to the leader. Herobrine.

My eyes widened. What... I had to wake them up. My legs can't move... what was wrong with me?!

Why can't I move?! We were about to get attacked!!!

My legs wobbled, my breathing became quick and heavy, tears welled up in my eyes. I needed to move.

"This is the castle." I heard one of the mortals say to the group. It was a females voice, a leader.

"The castle that holds the legend myth. Herobrine! We have finally found him. Let's see if we can get him out!" I heard her say and one of the mortals noticed me, pointing to me. "Hey! Is that him?" They asked and I forced my body to take a step back so they couldn't see me.

My body can move, but I didn't know for how long. The front door started to be banged on. They were trying to get in. Oh no... I had to hurry!

I ran to the door, leaving my room in my gown. I ran to the front door, blocking it with the nearest thing I could find. A table and chairs. Perfect. My breathing heavier, I looked around.

I had to hurry. I can't let them get to hero... he can't experience death again! I can't let him!

Panic rose as I ran to the basement. Weapons! Weapons! I needed to scare the mortals away.

I had to prove to others I could at least scare the mortals away... I didn't like hurting mortals at all. It tore at my heart as I grabbed weapons, dragging them off the table where they lay.

They were heavy!!!! The weapons dropped to the ground as I tried to pick it up. No!! No no no no no!!

I let the weapons go and I searched the basement. I had no experience handling weapons except for my magic and maybe actual daggers. That was it!

Where were the daggers?!

The front door bashing open caused me to scream. Luckily they couldn't hear me. I go up the basement steps and peeked out. They were swarming in, torch in hand and swords in the other. Bad! This was very bad.

I could only think of one thing. My magic.

Dark fog started to surround the mortals as they stare in amazement to the interior of the castle. Their torches blew out. The fog hid me as I walked over to them. I didn't know what I was doing.

They had swords! They could hurt me!

Instead, I ran to the bedrooms as the mortals tried to clear the sudden fog. Though one heard me and ran after me. I didn't realize until I heard chains of the chain mail behind me. I looked back and my eyes widened.

I tripped on the stairs and the mortal caught me, slamming me into the stairs. I gasped, shocked. This mortal stared at me with these eyes...

It looked weird... far from normal eyes that the mortals should have. Maybe they evolved?! Oh no.

The voice was male as it spoke to me, "who are you?! Are you Herobrine?!" He sure wasn't being quiet. Which was good!

I trembled under his grasp, "leave me alone! I'll never tell you!" I spat at him. It hurt inside to be ever mean to mortals, but I had to fight it. I had to protect hero. I was one of his older brothers!

That was until hero stepped onto the stairs, staring at the male pinning me to the stairs. "Get off of him. Now." Hero's voice boomed in the stairs. Scary!

The mortal got off of me as suddenly the lights turned on in the castle. Herobrine was very angry. I got up and scrambled behind hero like a scared child.

The mortals unleashed the beast they shouldn't have tried to find. I had it to myself until now, but now they have something else to worry about.

A very tired and very angry Herobrine...

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