Huge Problem Approaches (mature slightly)

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AN: 5k+ views?! I didn't think my story would get this high of views! Thank you! I'm sorry if the story may seem boring or rushed... I'm not good at writing ^^' I hope it's okay? Lol. Anyway, enjoy this chapter.

Mark POV:

When I woke, I noticed Steve was next to me still asleep. But I didn't see Herobrine. Maybe he woke up before us? No, he fell asleep after us he should still be asleep.

I looked around, blinking the sleep out of my eyes. "Herobrine?? Where are you?" I called out as I sat up slowly.

He was nowhere to be seen. I started to get concerned and I got up fully. I kicked Steve's side and he groaned next to me. "Whyyyyyyy! I was having a good dream!!" He whined, half asleep.

I look at him, "Herobrine is missing!! We need to find him!" I threw my hands into the air, looking around. It caused Steve to get up quickly, yelling out, "HE IS?! Oh no that's not good!" He looks at me and I nodded.

We started searching for him in the half-burnt house and in the cellar. He was nowhere. "Do you think this thing has affected him?" Steve asked as he walked to me.

That's what I was wondering. "I don't know but if it had, we have to find him now. We don't know how he is when 'evil' but we know we have to find him so he doesn't cause trouble in Minecraftia. Sure he told us to run, but we can't let others be in trouble." I then looked at Steve and he nodded in that agreement. He didn't want others to be attacked either it seems.

"Let's search in the forest," Steve suggested as he pointed to the unnerving dark forest around us.

I nodded and I light a lantern so we could go in. "I bet he will be in there if it's still dark," I said quietly as we headed in, me being in the lead due to I having the lantern.

We searched for hours and we finally found him. But we froze as we got close enough to him...

He got affected. Blood was dripping from him, a diamond pickaxe was covered in blood. A player, dying in front of him, and he was just standing there. There were lightning bolts surrounding him every now and then, lighting up the spot as he stood there. We saw he had this unnerving dark grin on his face. He wasn't himself.

My eyes widened as I stared at this scene. Steve silently gasped behind me. We were shocked and Steve was scared. We could be his next targets.

We didn't move, in hopes, he won't see us. We watched as he looked around and disappeared into thin air. Where did he go...?

I looked around, holding Steve close to me in a protective way. "where did he go? he just vanished!" Steve worried tone made me look at him. "I don't know, but we have to find him. Now." I then looked around before gasping as I saw him staring at us from a distance.

Oh no. What do we do? "He's staring at us. We are next." I whispered as I showed Steve where I was looking. Steve flinched and stared, "Herobrine?" He called out and we all watched as he seemed to stare at us, frozen.

It seems like he heard us and his affected mind got distracted because from what I remember, he told us that no one knew his name.

I took a step forward and so did Herobrine. He walked over and slammed me into a tree. "How do you know my name?!?" He yelled at us, his voice deep with hatred yet curiosity.

I look right at him, "because we are your friends. Mark and Steve. You are being affected! You have to release it from your mind." I didn't dare move as I didn't want his bloody pickaxe inside of me.

Herobrine and I were having a staring contest. Yet I had to constantly look away, it felt like my soul was just getting ripped from my body the longer I stared at his dead white eyes.

He lets a growl before slamming the pickaxe into my shoulder, which I screamed out in pain. Steve came running over, sword in hand.

Herobrine noticed, looking at Steve with wide eyes, and I closed my eyes, scared as of what was going to happen next.

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