The Mission Starts

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We took 3 days to get ready and packed up with resources. We have been told that the Jungle is the closest to this city and so we got ourselves ready to head that way. We were also told to watch out for traps and flesh-eating insects while there. 

Mark shivered as we got to the jungle forest's edge. "Flesh-Eating Insects and traps. I am not ready for that. Why did we have to come here?" He asked and I glare at him, "It was the closest one to the city. I'm not ready to get injured again, so let's keep our weapons out and eyes trained and ears out" I look at the jungle, almost terrified to even step in. 

We were all terrified to step in, not knowing what's going to happen. Steve took the first step in and the jungle got quiet. I gulped, "Well the forest knows we are here now" I walked in after Steve. Mark stayed behind to watch over me and Steve from behind. 

Steve watched for any temples or insects and even traps. "Can you detect any traps?" He asked me and I look at him. "I can only detect ores. Detecting traps is what Notch stole from me with every other power I had." 

He sighed deeply and he chopped down the leaves in our way, killing a few insects as well. I looked around and I frowned softly. The Jungle was so thick with leaves and bushes and trees. It was hard to even walk in. 

"What if I just... happened to use my fire powers in this forest?" I asked as we trudged through the jungle. 

"Do you want to start a jungle forest fire?!" Steve stopped in his tracks, looking at me. 

I shrugged, "Maybe. At least it'll kill the flesh-eating insects" I laughed 

Mark laughed as well as he thought it was quite funny and he agreed with my statement. 

Steve sighed deeply and shook his head. "No! We are not starting a forest fire" He kept walking, looking around. "Does anyone know what the flesh-eating insects even look like?" 

We both shook our heads and Steve nods, "Well, that's just great to know" He kept on walking and after a few minutes, we hear this loud buzzing noise. 

"Now, what the nether is that?" Steve whispered as we stopped, listening to the buzzing. "I believe it's coming from that thing" Mark pointed to this huge insect slowly flying ahead of us, it didn't even notice us yet. I gagged, looking away. I hated insects. 

It was like it heard us, it turned our way and stopped in its tracks. It stared at us and this buzzing scream came out of its mouth. "I think it's time to run" Mark whispered and I nodded, grabbing their arms. "RUN!! WE HAVE TO RUN!" I screamed as I started running. 

They ran alongside me as the insect flew after us and I noticed razor sharp teeth. My eyes widened. This was one of the flesh-eating insects. I grabbed both Mark and Steve, teleporting away as far as I can but still in the jungle radius. 

We landed next to this stone bridge and we all just sat there, trembling badly. "Let's hope we don't encounter one again," I said softly as I looked around. There was a temple nearby and my eyes widened, "There's a temple!" I get up, going to the bridge. 

The pit below the bridge went far down that I couldn't see the bottom of it. "That goes down, like really far" I heard Mark say as he came up behind me. Steve coughed lightly as he walked up to us. "Warn us next time you do that" He sighed and I look at him, "sorry" 

"Now how do we get across this stone bridge that looks like it's about to fall over?" Mark asked as we stood there. I looked around, hearing another loud buzzing coming. "Well I don't know, but worth a try right?" I walked on the stone bridge, it doesn't really do anything under me. 

When I got to the other side, I watched them but kept myself steady to hear the buzzing. It was loud, but I couldn't see it. Steve and Mark were too scared to cross over, staring right at me. 

I didn't know why they were staring at me. Did I do something? Is there something behind me? "Is there something behind me you guys?" I asked and Mark nodded, pointing a finger behind me. 

I turned my head and feel like my undead soul just left my body. I was now facing face to face with this huge insect and it was looking straight at me. I thought it was scarier in the distance, but now its a hundred times scarier.

A scream escaped my throat as I wacked its head with my summonable sword. The insect went flying to the ground, dead. I stare at it for a while before poking its abdomen with my sword. I gagged as the thing twitched, but it was officially dead.

Steve spun me around to look at him, "Are you okay?" He stared deep into my eyes and I stare at him, my eyes wide. "I... I uh... yes" I nodded, not knowing what else to say.

"That was some scream I've heard you do out of fear" Mark came up behind us as he looked at the insect. "The most out of pain was when that arrow hit your knee. I still don't understand how you are even walking at this point" He laughed as he looked at the temple, observing the outside for the gems that Notch ordered us to look for.

It did seem to be our Jungle because we all saw it had the lapis lazuli gem on its walls. "Well that was a quick find," Mark said with a laugh. I nodded softly, "Well that's thanks to my teleportation. I pretty much just teleported us far from the edge because of that.... insect" I shivered as I walked to the entrance of the temple.

They both followed behind me and I looked inside of the temple. I noticed there were unlit torches and I held out my hand, concentrating. The torches lit up with strong flames and Mark gasped with amazement. "Oh my Notch that was amazing!" He said softly.

I looked at him, "yea? I can do much more than just that with flames" I laughed as I walked into the temple. I looked around before freezing in my spot. I could detect where all the treasure was and there were many. Doesn't help there were mobs everywhere in this temple either. 

Mark and Steve both walked in next to me. We were looking at the beauty of this temple. Now, as we explored the temple, we all know there are traps in these temples so we have to be careful. Though the tricky part was to find these traps and there were vines everywhere...

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