The Journey Begins

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It took me 2 days to heal from the poison and being able to walk again. The wound still was trying to heal but at least I could walk this time, just having a slight limp.

Mark and Steve helped me now and then as we tried to see if I will be able to run yet. Which I still completely fell over every time we tried because of my wound on my leg.

We were heading towards my home town, which was about 4 days away on foot. I would use teleportation, but I don't know if they would like to experience the effects again. Plus I didn't want to end up injuring even more to myself either. So we are heading on foot for now.

The day was very cloudy so I didn't have to worry about burning to a crisp. Though we have to be careful in case it starts to rain because we are in an open area and there were no places to hide.

"are we there yet?" Mark groaned behind me for the 30th time after a few hours of walking. I sighed and stopped under some trees. "we can stop here if you want to rest for an hour or two" I crossed my arms.

The sun came out after a few minutes to show it was setting. So it looks like we are going to sleep instead until we are all rested to keep moving.

Mark sets up a campfire and Steve starts to make food for us, being careful not to use all of our food since we had limited food.

I started to work on getting the beds set for the night. I look at the setting sun, taking in the beautiful view. It was so beautiful.

"Herobrine, come eat" Mark called over and I nodded, heading over to the campfire. I sat down between Steve and Mark and started to eat.

The food was delicious even if there was so little of it. Steve still cooks good and it amazes me because of the good taste. Even Mark beside me was amazed even though Steve had cooked for us for the past few days.

"I'll have to go hunting soon for more food," Steve told us as we were finishing our meal. Mark nodded and looked at him, "I could help hunt!" he smiled and Steve shook his head. "we can't leave Herobrine alone, there could still be hunters out there for him." he said as he started to clean his bowl.

Me and Mark just stared at each other before nodding to each other. We cleaned our bowls and puts them back in the bag. I looked around and bit my lip.

There were mobs all around us, some were staring at us but never came closer. Did they know who I was? Or did they know we would come at them if they tried to come closer?

I heard whispers from them since I spoke the mob language because I was their leader. Mark looks at me, " I hear mobs, we should get to sleep. I'll do night watch for now" he said as he stood up.

I looked at him and chuckled, "I'll take the other half of the night." I crawl onto the sleeping bag that was next to Marks sleeping bag.

Mark walked around with his sword at his side and he kept looking at the mobs around our campsite. I watched him where I lay and I felt myself drifting off into sleep...

I was running into the cave that my brother had found for us to explore. I was super excited! This was going to be my first mining trip with my older brother!

"HEROBRINE!" I heard my brother call out to me and I look up at him, my bright blue eyes meeting with his hazel ones. He caught up to me and pats my back, "don't run off like that! You could get seriously injured"

I slightly pout and nodded, "I'm sorry, I was super excited because you never let me come with you in mining," I said softly as I look at the deep cave.

Notch gave a short nod and he walked into the cave, holding my hand. I smile and I followed him in.

I found some iron and I take my stone pickaxe that Notch gave me to use to mine the iron. When I had collected the iron, I ran deeper into the cave to find more but lost Notch in the process.

When I was done mining the iron I found, I ran back to the mouth of the cave but I noticed one of the halls back had started to crumble. I also noticed that Notch was behind the wall, looking straight at me. It was super quick so I couldn't tell what expression he held.

I screamed and ran to the fallen rocks that had blocked up the exit, pounding on the stone. I had left my tools and this part of the cave was dark so I couldn't see them anyways.

I was scared, crying hard as I was afraid of the dark. "Notch!!! Notch!! Please get me out of here!" I screamed into the rocks, my hands starting to hurt as I continued to pound the rocks.

There was no use, he left me here. Where was I supposed to go now? There was no other exit and I felt betrayed by my brother. He let me come with him to the cave, how could I know that he was going to kill me like this?

I heard a zombie behind me say, "Herobrine!" I looked behind me and the zombie was coming towards me. I ran the other way, deeper into the cave. I screamed and it echoed through the cave.

I ran over loose gravel and the gravel fell under me into a black amiss. I flinched and screamed...
I woke up screaming and Mark looks at me, almost startled as he was sitting next to me. He was about to wake me up to do the night shift and I looked at him.

"sorry, I had another nightmare. Or well, a memory of how I died" I said as I sighed shakily, running my shaky hand through my hair.

"what was the dream about?" Steve asked sleepily. I woke him up with my scream I guess.

I told then the memory and Steve froze, looking at me. "he made the cave collapse on you? That's horrible!" he sat up, looking at me with worry.

I nodded and I look at the stars. "that's why I was worried when we were mining together. I kept looking around me when we split up because I was worried you were about to do the same thing to me..." I look at him.

Steve shook his head and he looked sad, " I would never do that to you, Hero" he looked at Mark, who was too shocked to say anything.

I got up and I wince in pain from my leg, my legs were still asleep. I sighed again and I let Mark and Steve sleep.

In the morning, we start heading forward to my hometown. I'm sure it should still be there. Steve was still worried for me though, he was worried I was going to break down again.

I already did that when they were asleep. I didn't feel anything now because I already cried enough so they don't know how much I hated those memories.


It took us 3 days to get there, we were tired but we were chased by wolves. Mark had accidentally stepped onto a wolf den which caused them to attack us.

We were amazed at how it was and I was even amazed. It was no longer the home town I remembered, but now it was a whole city! I could even see my home, which was the oldest building there.

I lead Mark and Steve to my house and I let them inside. Everything was covered in dust but we didn't care. "we will hang out here and enter the city tomorrow" I said as I lit some of the lanterns in my house. They both agreed as they dropped onto the couch to relax.

It was amazing to see how big my hometown grew within the years I was gone from this area. I missed the old town because it was me and Notch, but now I got Mark and Steve as my company.

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