The Issues Inside

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We managed to get through 20 of the treasure rooms and completed most of the puzzles, mazes, and traps without injuring ourselves too bad. Most of the treasure rooms had bones, powder, gems, and a few other treasure that could be useful.

"Why does he want all of this stuff anyway?" Steve asked as we ventured through the tunnels to find the last 5 rooms. I glanced at him and snorted, "how am I supposed to know? We weren't in his throne room long enough to even know why. We just know it's for my powers." I look around, trying to detect any of the treasure rooms so I know we are heading in the right place.

Mark sighed, limping lightly from the cactus trap he fell in while at the last room. "How many rooms do we have left?" He asked and I glanced at him, holding up 5. He groaned, sitting down on a temple bench. "My hips are killing me from landing in that cactus trap!" He looks at us. Me and Steve sets down our bags after making sure it was safe.

"Well you were the one who pushed Herobrine away from actually being the one to fall in that trap" Steve chuckled as he hands out some bread with left over wolf meat. I nodded and chuckled, "it was funny when I had fell down that slide trap to only be exited about 25 feet ahead of you guys."

Steve shook his head at me, "we heard your pity little girly screams until you exited out of a square and plopped on the floor." He smiled and I just crossed my arms. "I don't scream like a girl." I look away and Mark chuckled. "Ah huh. You do, Herobrine."

Once we were done, we continued on searching for the last few rooms. Mark fell in another cactus trap, which we had fun taking out the needles from him. Steve screamed when he landed in some cobweb from a spider trap and mark pulled him out. I was too scared to since I was scared of spiders. I had fallen into a pit of water, which was more slime than water, and I had to climb myself out since we had no ropes.

We managed to live through the rest of the traps for the last 4 rooms. The 5th room was the hardest to find because there was no entrance to it. "It's a secret room..." I concluded after we raided the whole temple for the last room.

I sat down and sighed heavily, tired. "Let's rest for now because we've been walking, falling, and injuring ourselves. We need rest." I look at Steve and he looks at me. He nodded and we all laid down. I passed out first, then mark did and Steve was last. We took turns sleeping and guarding. We didn't trust the temple enough to think it's safe, even if all traps were disarmed and used.

I was mostly worried because I felt a dark aura here since Steve and Mark can't detect auras like I can. I can only conclude that the dark aura here is in the last room. I'm almost wanting to say I don't even want to go in there, especially since we don't know where the entrance to the room is. But I know we are directly above the room right now.

When we were all well rested and ready. We started to search the temple. We started pressing on the walls, floors, moving objects, and lifting tiles to find where the entrance to the room was.

Until I found a small hole, which looked like a key. One of our treasure rooms had a key. I pulled out the key and slid it in the hole. The key fit perfectly and Mark chuckled. "Now that must be the entrance!" He watched as I turned it.

A doorway slid open to our left and we stared at it. It was dark, very cold, and I had a very bad feeling about entering this room. We all did. "This doesn't even look safe at all." Steve muttered as we stared at the hallway of darkness.

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