An Event

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"Do you want it?" Steve asked me, waiting for my response. I look at the plate that held the cake, smells delicious. I look at Steve and I nod, taking the plate away from him.

I was still panicked from my nightmare, so I just sat there staring blankly to the floor. My nightmare was the same one I had the other night, the one that reminded me of how I died.

Though, I was brought back to reality when my body registered that there was a hand waving in front of my face. I looked up as I heard Steve's voice, "Are you okay, Hero?"

I just grinned lightly, "Are you worried about a god like me? I'm still waking up, my sweet darling." I laughed sleepily before I started to eat the cake.

My eyes widen as I chew, the cake tastes amazing! I swallowed the bite and glanced at Steve. "Did you make this?" I asked him, covering my mouth just in case if there was still pieces of cake in my mouth.

I watched as Steve look away quite embarrassed. Oh, that was a very cute expression, I'd like to see that expression every day.

"Yes, I have made that cake. My bakery uses recipes and I have made my own recipe" Steve rubbed his arm, looking at the floor.

I was very impressed with this. I didn't even know or think he could bake! I always thought he used the bakery to get his sweets, or until I burned it down to the ground last night.

His worried tone made me look at him, "Is it good?" He looked at me, sadly. Was he worried that it tastes bad to me or that I didn't like it?

I merely laugh and I look at him, "No it doesn't" His face fell to a sad look so quick, it almost made my heart shatter.

"It tastes so delicious that nothing can compare to it. I've never had anything like this" I said as I eat the cake.

His face lights up so quick with my response that the next thing I knew, I was being hugged tightly.

"Thank you! Thank you! No one has ever tried my food, you're the only one who did so far! You're not lying about it are you?" He backed up, looking at my eyes.

I shook my head, "No, this really does taste amazing" I pat his head, causing him to smile.

After an hour of being awake, I slump on the couch. There was no fun in staying indoors, but I hate being outdoors as well. I can't go in the sun entirely anyways, it burns my skin and my eyes like a zombie.

Steve had suggested earlier that I could clean up his house, but I hate doing anything like that. I hate cleaning. His house was already clean as I look around, frowning. There was nothing I could do but just sit on this couch.

If I remember correctly, he was out mining and collecting wood. I bet he is going to work on fixing his village if he's out getting the materials.

It seemed to be around 4 hours before I hear the door opening. The sun was in the middle of the sky by now. I look over at the door and my eyes widen.

Steve was limping inside the house, his body covered in wounds. I shot up from the couch and rushed over to him, helping him to the couch. I took his bag away from him to walk easier.

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