Creature Findings

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We got to the cave and it seemed perfectly normal. It seemed like nothing was there. Yet the note said the creature would be here in this very cave.

"Where is this creature you told us about?" Mark asked as he crossed his arms, staring at the cave that descended downwards into the earth.

"Maybe it's inside." I whispered as I walked into the entrance, looking down at the stairs to see if I could see it. Nothing. Just the stairs and torches.

"Nevermind. Maybe even further in?" I suggested, looking at them. Steve nodded and he looks at Mark curiously.

The further we go down the cave, the darker and colder it got. "I remember putting torches here, but it seems like the creature blew them out." Steve said as he sighed softly. I picked up a torch and I lit it up. Along the halls there were burnt out torches and I nodded, putting an agreement that the torches were out.

As we descended down, we got to the base of the cave and noticed the torches had a red hue to it. It was odd to see because normally I would be doing this if I wanted to play with the person.

We looked to see if the storage has been stolen at all but nothing was touched. Where was the creature? We searched all of the main base and I found on the furnace that there was a note. "Another note guys." I called out to Mark and Steve.

They came over and I read the note to them as it said, |MEET ME IN THE PIT AT THE SECOND HALL. I AM WAITING FOR YOUR ARRIVAL.|

"In the pit? Does it mean lava pit? No no, in the second hall is just this big open area." Steve said as he tried to remember.

I put the note in my pocket with the other note. We headed down the second hall to where a big opening was, just like the main base but very empty and round.

There the creature was, resting on some rocks. It looked directly at us and clapped. It echoed along the walls.

Confusion courses through all three of us as we stared at the creature.

It's voice startled us as it was quite medium high male tone from this dark creature. "So you guys did follow the notes I gave. Well I do have something to say about this as I promised. There's something wrong with this land and everyone is blaming notch because of it. Most of the wizards are going missing after they have a meeting with Notch. Some lose their powers after meeting with Notch. Some are seen, but they aren't their normal self. Like friendly wizards turn evil and goes against everything they did then the next day it seems like that evil side wasn't there." It said and we all just froze. It happened to Mark.

Me and Steve looked at Mark. "It affected you too that night too." Steve said as he rests a hand on Marks shoulder. Mark was just too stunned to say anything.

"Do you know what this thing is from?" I asked and the creature shrugged, "mmmmhh I say it's Notch's Wrath against those who are studying the ways of magic. But then some people are just born being able to do magic like you and Notch are. He's probably just jealous but both of you can do every magic possible of doing. So there could be many possibilities." It then rests its head on its fingers as it gets comfortable on the stone.

Mark took a step up, "how do we stop it once he affects us? I don't want to hurt my friends again. I nearly killed Herobrine! I don't want to do that again  because Steve is human and Herobrine isn't. I don't want to kill either of them." His voice was shaky with fear.

"Negative and hatred feelings will start to come. Don't let those overcome you. I've had it happen to me because I'm a dream walker. I did it to Herobrine while you guys were at my home. I didn't mean to do a nightmare. I'm not a nightmare walker." It said as it looks at me then at Mark and Steve.

"There's a dream and nightmare walker?" I asked, shocked. I thought it was just one power but if this creature was correct, then it wasn't one combined power.

It nodded to my question and it shrugged. "I'm not usually in the dreams I just make sure it's not gonna turn into a nightmare by my twin who is the nightmare walker."

I nodded and Steve raised his hands, "so... so your saying you two are walkers of the dreams and do you look the same?" He asked and the creature laughed.

"Yes. We are identical twins but he has a dark red shade while mine is black." It chuckled again.

"I had that the other night. I saw this dark red figure coming straight towards me with this scythe then I woke up with Herobrine sitting on my lap holding your note in my face." Mark said as he glared at me. I just chuckled nervously. "Sorry."

The creature nodded, "well this house is quite close to our home. So he probably just targetted you." It said as it rubbed marks head.

"I'll attack him the next time I see him." Mark huffed, looking away though not knowing it was hard to attack them.

"Well good luck. Now I do need to leave. That's all I wanted to say to you guys. Oh! It also affects cross realms. So it can affect the Nether, End, and other realms." It then disappears in front of us.

"Wait!!— how do we know who's doing it?" Steve asked but the creature was already gone. The torches blew up with flames, lighting up the area and stairs again.

I look at them. "We go to Notch again. We need answers. Though he likes to lie quite a lot." I shrugged and mark sighed. "I'll literately destroy my pants if it affects you. You are as equally strong as Notch and Notch is scary with his powers. I'm worried about if you do it because you hardly showed us your powers." Mark looks at me.

Now it hit me. What if it affects me next? Mark and Steve aren't immortal. I don't want to hurt them.

"I'll try to look for the symptoms of this thing so it doesn't affect me." I reassured them and Mark released a breath he had been holding.

I just hope it's as easy as it sounds to control.

We then headed up to eat some breakfast and figure out what to do next about this effect going around...

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