Hes not dead!

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AN: First chapter for Null and Entity's Story is out! You can find it on my profile under the name "Twin Brotherly Love"!! Okie bye!

I looked as Null and Mark was clinging to me. What just happened? I froze as Mark kissed me deeply on the lips, tears running down his cheeks.

"Your alive! Oh my Netherstorms... I thought you weren't going to wake up!" Mark exclaimed as he held me tighter.

Null just smiled as he looks at me. "Welcome back, Herobrine. You've been out for two weeks." He told me and I just sat there in shock.

The dream I had... it only felt like I was in there for hours. Not two weeks!

"Notch... Steve... Me... Mark... everyone... they were all dead... they were all telling me to wake up." I said, my voice hoarse and whispery as I gripped my hair.

Null nodded, "when we die, we see our memories but instead of them being all happy like mortals get. They are telling us to wake up and next time you do die. Find the oasis. Entity had to help you." He explained and mark looks at me then at null.

"It kind of explains it, you guys are immortal in a way." Mark said and Null nodded.

"It's a curse our father gave us. Failure to find the oasis in time, we get hunted down by one of his demons. The demon doesn't do anything extreme, just guides you to the oasis in the most painful way possible. I've experienced it and I do not want anyone to experience it in my family." Null explained.

My eyes widened as I listened. No wonder Entity told me to get in before the demon got me. I bet that's what he was about to fight when he told me to wake up...

"I've nearly got attacked by the demon. Entity had found me... or well rather I found him, and he guided me to the oasis. Before I woke up, he was getting ready to fight the demon." I look at Null and Null flinched as he covered his mouth.

Mark looks over at me before tilting his head. "You guys can help each other?" He asked and Null nodded.

"Anyone can as long as they are a magic wearer, but it only means the demon will catch up to the person who had died much faster. Which means... when Entity came in to help you, it gave the demon a speed boost. So it must've been not so long after you guys found the oasis that the demon caught up. I hope Entity is okay." Null looks at the window sad with worry.

"Herobrine...?" Steve's voice echoed into the room as he sets the tray of food down on the dresser next to the door.

I look over at Steve and I smiled. "I'm alive. Traumatized after my third death but I'm alive." I said with a chuckle. Steve walked over and he pulled me close.

I cuddled into both Mark and Steve as they both began kissing me happily. I didn't hesitate to kiss them back.

"What was so traumatizing for this death than the other two deaths?" Steve asked as he looked at me.

I explained that when I first died when I was little, the demon had helped me and I had no scary incidents or painful incidents. The second time I died was when I had been shot by a hunter, an arrow hit my right knee. The demon was near me and I found the oasis no problem, again with no pain as it showed me to the oasis. Then I had explained that the third one, the one I just woke up to, was scary.

Everyone was dead, everything seemed abandoned, worn out, no lights except for the moonlight. No fires from torches either. Everyone was telling me to wake up and I couldn't find the oasis. I had completely forgotten about it. Then I had found Entity and while following him, I felt something trying to get me. Something calling for my name to turn around. The sound was sad. It sounded so sad, but Entity had pushed me into the pool before I was able to see what was behind me. Then I woke right after...

Everyone was shocked as they stared at me. "Did... did I do something wrong?" I asked, looking at their shocked faces.

Null spoke up as he shook his head, "no, I think the demon likes you. If you have been helped by it so many times and yet it had not punished you for dying? It's playing favorites! The first time I died, it told me to find the oasis before it got to me or else I'll get punished! I've died many times and it still hunts me down..." Null seemed upset as he crossed his arms, looking away.

"Well, I was given no choice if it chose me or not. I did die a lot younger than you did." I chuckled. I then asked, "why do you seem so upset about it? It's not a creature we can just claim."

Null shrugged before pouting, he played with his hair. Soon, a letter came in and it was for both Null and me by Entity. I bet it's him asking about the demon too.

We didn't bother reading it as we all began eating our breakfast, wondering what we were going to do today. I know I'm going to be wanting to do something other than lying in this bed after just waking up from death...

AN EDIT: HEY GUYS! I posted a message on my page, but some of you don't follow me anyway. Sooooo Ima say it here too! Next two chapters are being written at the moment at the same time. I'll be posting them one after the other, so be patient. One is skippable! I will have a huge warning on that chapter! The next one after that will continue this story from where this left off! So you can read the skippable one if you TRULY want to, but you have to be at least 16+ but I HIGHLY recommend you be 18+!! ;) THNX AND NOW BUH BYE FOR NOW!

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