Sneak Attack

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AN: just to let you guys know, sorry if this is late, but this story will not have any sexual contact only teasing or kissing or nearly there. The sexy times will be skipped as I am too shy to write them >~<

I heard the door to the bathroom open and I rose my head out of the water. "Who's there?" I looked around, but the tub was in a bad spot so I can't see who came into my bathroom. I frowned as I heard no response. Maybe it was my imagination.

I continued to take my bath and I felt uneasy. Someone was in the bathroom with me. I looked around and I screamed as Steve was there, squatting next to the tub.

"What the Nether Steve!" I yelled as I hit him on the head and he laughed hard. "What? Can I not come in here with my boyfriend?" He asked as he reached over, playing with my hair.

I puffed out my cheeks in a pout, "well, yes but I'm naked! Isn't that gross to see?" I glare at him and he shrugged.

"Seeing a pale and scarred naked body of yours isn't that bad to see. Plus we are guys, how bad can it be?" He asked as he started to undress.

Now he's in the tub with me. How embarrassing can this be??? He has a better body than I do!

"So? How far did you get in your bath?" Steve asked as he started to wash his hair. I let out a shy whimper. Why is he in the bath with me? Why didn't I push him out?

"I was only relaxing, I didn't even start yet." I finally said after 2 minutes of silence. Steve nodded, "ahh, well want me to wash you?" He looks at me curiously. I look at him, shocked.

"Wash me? Why do you want to do that?" I asked and he shrugged, putting some soap on my nose.

I let him wash my hair and my body. He was gentle with it at least, seeing all my scars and wounds.

"You really are wounded, huh?" Steve asked as he finished washing my body and rinsing it. I nodded, "they won't heal because I died with them," I said as I looked away.

Steve started washing his own body and once he finished, he looks at me observing me.

I had to look away. His stare was too much for me. I gasped as I felt a hand on my thigh and I looked at him, eyes wide. His hands were on my thighs, inching closer to my hips.

I grabbed his wrists and I shook my head, "we just got cleaned." I said as I looked at him. He grinned, "we can always move to the bed and then take another bath in the morning~," he said as he drained the water.

I let out a whimper as I knew he wasn't going to stop at this. He gets out of the water and I watched, trying not to stare at his hips. He then picked me up, which I let out a soft squeak, and he carried me to the bedroom. 

Falling to the bed, he pinned me between the bed and him. We were both naked, staring at each other's eyes, and I had a deep blush on my face, he had a smirk on his. 

He gave kisses on my lip, down my jaw, and to my collar bone. It led my body in shivers. This was happening, wasn't it? What if it hurts? 

Tender kisses everywhere on my body were making my body shiver with pleasure, a few moans coming out causing me to try to hide them. Steve chuckled, "Don't hide them, Herobrine~," He said as he looked at me, grinning. 

Why? They were embarrassing, aren't they to him? This godly creature moaning for a player who looks almost identical to me? 

We managed to do it and it felt great, but now we were all sweaty and a mess of each other. My bed is also very messy as well and I don't even have clean sheets for them! 

Steve plopped onto the bed next to me after he threw the sheets into the washroom for my maids to wash them. We were using blankets as the bed sheet now. We also had both taken yet another bath. "How was that for your first time?" He asked as he trailed a finger along my chest, giving me more shivers. 

"I-It was great, I d-didn't know you were so good at it..." I stuttered a bit as I glanced at him. Steve shrugged and laughed as he said, "That was my first time too though!" I froze, staring at him. 

He was that good and yet he claimed it was his first time!? No no no! That can't be possible. That has to be lies! 

"Well anyway, goodnight Herobrine," Steve whispered as he kissed my cheek. He held me close, being the big spoon. I huffed at him, nodding and whispered my goodnights back to him.

We both fell asleep and we didn't know Mark was just outside the door listening to us being a pervert. Mark chuckled low once he knew we were asleep and he left back to his dorm. 

He whispered to himself, "I knew they'd do it. They were bound to. I didn't know Herobrine was a submissive though~ Haha!" He grinned as he went to bed after locking his bedroom door.

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