An Eerie Appearance

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We stared at the entrance of the hall, neither of us wanting to go in. It was dark and eerie. "Can you light it up?" Mark asked and I shot out a flame, but it was swallowed by the dark mist at the end of the hall. 

"We are screwed. The flame was snuffed out by whatever is in there" Steve threw up his hands into the air and paced around the hall. I was just staring in horror. What was down this hall? What is this dark aura? 

Mark picked up his things, "Can we just lie to Notch and say we got all the treasure?" He asked and I shook my head. I summoned a bigger flame and shot it down the hall. We heard an OOF and then a thud. Someone was in there. We all stared at the hall curious and I was pushed into the hall. 

"You go first!" Steve said as he hid behind Mark.

"Me!? Why me!?" I ran out of the hall, we were all scared to go in. 

"Well you are the one with the flames now aren't you?" 

"Yes, but that doesn't mean I should go first!" 

"Yes, it does mean you should go first. You have the flames, we will hide behind you." Mark said as he looked at the hall. 

I groaned and I summoned a flame in my hand, heading down the hall. I held out my hand and looked in, "Who's there?" I called out. There was no response. We crept closer until I knew we were in the treasure room. I lit up the room and we all took a step back as there was this figure there, sitting on the chest filled with goodies. 

The figure was all black, dark mist floating around the figure, and the figure had white eyes exactly like mine. We just stared for a moment before I asked, "What's your name?" 

The figure laughed, stepping off the chest and walking over to me. He was exactly my height, maybe an inch or two taller actually. "My name is Null," He said, his voice was whispery. He then proceeded to ask, "What is your name?" He reached over, tugging a few strands of hair. 

"My name is Herobrine." I swat his hand away and he chuckled low. "Our brother told me to check up on you~," He said and I flinched in shock. This dude is my BROTHER?!!? "Woah Woah Woah! Hold up. You are my brother!?" I asked, looking at him and he nodded. 

"Yeah, Me and Entity 303 people have been talking about lately~ We are both your older brothers as well as Notch. He's the oldest, of course, me and Entity are twins. We are exactly 15 years and 2 months older than you" He laughed. 

Mark looked between Null and I then he ran a hand through his hair. "I see the resemblance of you two. So why are you here exactly? You aren't going to hurt us, are you?" He asked and Null shook his head. "Nah~. What I am going to do is prevent you from continuing this mission..." He sat back down on the chest filled with the treasury.

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