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After I was calmed down, Steve left me alone so I was now alone in the room. I guess he went to talk to Mark about what we plan to do after he spends time with me. I do plan on becoming king again, but first I want to relax from all the trouble we've been through so far. My body was so tired and I just wanted attention from Steve.

I need to figure out how to become king again, which I believe I start off with my armies again. I need to figure out who doesn't think I'm their king and who does.

I looked at the ceiling and sighed, touching my chest as I drew some powers out of my chest, watching it web between my fingers to my chest. It was oddly satisfying to watch.

The door opened, causing the web of power to break contact and I flinched in pain as it snapped back into me. Steve poked his head in, "Are you okay?" he walked over. I nodded lightly, "Yeah, I was playing with my magic since I got it back. I didn't think it was going to snap back at me when you opened the door." I laughed.

Steve nodded and he climbed onto the bed. "So, you have full access to your powers now?" he looked at me and I nodded, sighing softly. "Yeah, I can pretty much do anything I want now. Though for right now I want to be with you. Since we haven't gotten to further up our relationship after we uh, confessed to each other." I glanced at him. He nodded and he glanced away.

"I suppose your right about that. It did get crazy after we confessed. Haha" he laughed as he rubbed the back of his head. I nodded, looking at the window. I scoot closer to him and I cuddled him, in which he held me close.

I rest my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was steady and calm. It was very relaxing as well. I felt a hand pet my hair and I glanced up at Steve as he was petting my hair.

"You are too adorable~," he whispered as he leans down, kissing my head. He chuckled as he watched my face grew a dark red shade of blush. I wasn't used to this affection.

"Am I supposed to do this and not you?" I asked, puffing out my cheeks and I watched as his shoulders shrugged. "You're not doing anything to prove to me that I'm not the one to be doing this~ I say your too shy to do this," he said as he made me look at him, brushing his lips against mine.

My eyes widened as I hear him say that. I pulled away from him, "who says I'm too shy?" I asked and he smirked, "your actions, Herobrine~"

He tackled me down, pinning me to the bed, and he leans down close enough for his lips to touch mine. I looked at him in shock, I've never seen him act this way. Probably because we were so focused on the mission to relax like this. Would these players call this relaxation?

He brought me back to reality when I felt his lips press against my lips, kissing me. I didn't hesitate to kiss him back, it was like I craved for his attention.

He pulled away before chewing lightly on his lip, not knowing if he should continue or let me rest. I looked at him, confused. "I should let you rest." He whispered as he gets off of me.

I almost felt sad as he laid next to me so I ask him, "what makes you say that?" He sighed, "your body isn't ready. We have bigger issues than this right now." He pulled me close and wrapped the blanket around us.

"I see..." I look down, resting my head on his chest. "So, I was thinking that we could start with your armies to make sure they know you are their king. Then the other mobs." Steve said as he looks at me.

I nodded, falling asleep as I cuddled him like a body pillow since he was taller than me. He also had more build to his body than me as well. I didn't mean to fall asleep, but he was so comfy to lay on.

Steve sighed softly and played with my hair as he fell asleep as well. We were going to figure out our plan in the morning it seems...

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