Mission Ends

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"What I am going to do is prevent you from continuing this mission..." He sat back down on the chest filled with the treasury.

We all froze in shock and I asked, "What...? Why?" 

"It's pointless if it's just for your powers. He's just tricking you into thinking that if you do this mission, you'll get your powers back." Null laughed, grinning softly. 

"Well, if all goes wrong... I can blame me for not listening. Plus even if he was going to trick us into this, I will just steal all the treasury back and keep it." I looked at the chest that Null was sitting on. Null nodded, shrugging, "That's true, yes" He smirked. 

"How are you going to get the ghast tears though? None of your armies follows under your command anymore." Null asked as he leans closer to me. He was right about that. How was I supposed to get the ghast tears? 

"Wait, how do you know about our mission?" Steve asked and Null looked at him, shrugging. "Typical guess? Totally wasn't in the room with you guys" He gets up, walking around the room. Steve looked at me and Mark then at Null. 

He ran to the chest and he opened it, seeing nothing was in there but a single diamond. "Huh?" He looked at Null and Null looked. "I didn't even open it and there was a single diamond in there?" He asked as he picked it up. Steve snatched it out of his grip and puts it in the bag. "Well whatever, we collected all of the treasury. We shall go now." He frowned. 

That was until we felt the temple rumble under us and we all froze, including Null. "The temple is going to collapse!" Mark yelled out and I grabbed everyone. "hold on!" I then teleported all 4 of us to the Nether in my castle. 

We startled a zombie pigman servant and they went running the opposite way, whimpering. I looked at them before sighing, "Weakling." I looked at the other 3, Null was completely fine. Mark and Steve were nauseated. 

"We are in my castle now. I hope it's alright" I chuckled and I helped Steve and Mark up. Null looked around, "you built this whole thing by yourself?" He asked and I nod. "Yup I sure did!" I smile, almost proud of myself. 

"this is better than Notch's castle honestly," Mark added in as he looked around at the walls and floors. 

The castle was a mixture of Nether Brick, Stone blocks, and Glowstone. The walls were filled with paintings, decoration, a few windows to look out into the Nether. The floor was dark oak wood, with red carpet down the middle. It looked like a mansion that players would find in the Roofed Forest, but more Nether feel to it. 

"Why thank you. Now, shall we go find my army of Ghasts?" I started to walk and they followed me. "So, how long did it take you to build this?" Null asked and I glanced at him. "About 5 years after I found this spot and collected all the materials." 

"Oh wow, 5 years? It took Notch 1 year and it looks like a child done it. This is amazing." Null chuckled and then shrugged, "but of course he had his city pretty much do it for him. He's a lazy one." 

I laughed, "I was always told I was the one with more building skills than he was. He always just watched me do the housing and such before he decided to kill me in a cave." I sighed and Steve pats my back. 

Apparently Null didn't even know I was killed. He looked at me in shock. "Seriously? Now I hate him even more for killing our baby brother." He frowned. 

Mark leans to Steve and whispered, "This is so adorable, brotherly talk and get together." He looked at Steve and he nodded. "I didn't even know Null or Entity were Herobrine's older brothers. Sure I've heard about them and seen them a few times without them knowing, but I've never known about them being brothers." Mark looked at Null then at me. 

When we got to the ghasts, we had to hide so they didn't entirely see us. I kept in their sight though and I walked over to them. They looked at me almost as if I was a player before recognizing who I was. 

I spoke to them in their language about gathering their tears, only three tears. They surprisingly agreed and I collected their tears in 3 separate flasks. I thanked them before heading to Null, Mark, and Steve. 

"That was easier than I expected it was to be." I laughed and I stored it into my bag. Null nodded, "I would've laughed if they shot at you." he grinned and I punched his shoulder. I then picked up my stuff. "Shall we head back?" They agreed and I held out my hand for them to take. Mark and Steve took each of my hands. Null grabbed their other hands. 

I teleported us to my old house so we don't look suspicious about teleporting to Notch's throne room out of nowhere. "How long has it been since we started the mission?" Steve asked as he looked at the sky, which was becoming dark. "About 2 weeks." Null concluded as he sat down. "I've been watching over you guys ever since you walked out of his throne room.

I sat down and I watched the three talk to each other before my eyes started to close. My body relaxing now that I was sitting in something comfortable. I fell asleep and Null looked over. He wrapped a blanket around me and then Mark and Steve. We all passed out from our mission and Null watched over, he didn't need sleep as much as we did. 

In the morning, Null was indeed asleep and I woke up first. I then woke the other three up after an hour and we headed our way to Notch's castle. I had a bad feeling this was not going to end right. What if he was tricking us into this? 

We got up to his throne room, Null stayed out of the castle, and Notch was waiting for us again. "Ahh, there you three are. Have you gotten everything I told you?" He asked and I take out everything we gathered, including the ghast tears. 

He nods and grinned darkly, "Good~ Good. I suppose I could give you the powers back." He walked over to me and I stared at him, unfazed or scared. "you will give me my powers back. We did your mission and we brought everything you told us. It's only fair." I growled and he nods. "Hmm~ That is true. Then here you are" He takes out a circular object and it was swirling with all of my powers inside. 

I took it and I looked at him. He chuckled low and I absorbed the object that holds all of my powers inside. I gasped at the sudden power and I gripped my hair, pulling it as my body adjusted to my powers suddenly being there again. He walked back to the throne and sat down, "Now you may leave." 

Mark and Steve lead me out, worried that my body wasn't going to accept my powers back. Null looked at us and then straight at me, "Why is he hurt?" he asked and Mark explained what happened. 

"It'll take a few days I'm sure," I whispered in pain as they brought me back to my old house. Which it did take a few days. When I was fully healed from it, I hugged Steve tightly that I had my powers back. He didn't understand why I did it now, but he hugged me back anyway. 

"Now we need to get you back to being the rightful king of the Nether," Steve said as he kissed my nose since I was crying from the happiness of having my powers back. I nodded and I wiped my tears. 

Mark came up behind us and looked at us. "I can try to help you guys." Steve looked over and nods. "Of course. Just let me see if I can calm Herobrine down first." he chuckled and Mark left the room.

"Hey, calm down. Alright? We got your powers back, now we can do whatever we want" He proceeded to kiss me until I calmed down, which it worked after the first 3. "I don't want to work on getting back to being a king just yet, I'd rather be with you for now and relax from everything," I whispered, cuddling him. He nodded and held me close, rocking me back and forth. 

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