Night time

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Owls hooting, clouds covered the sky, and a light mist surrounds the area. Trees looms over the half burnt house in a creepy manner as there are nothing to light them up. Wolves howling in the distance, zombies can be heard groaning and spiders hissing.

The night was peaceful, yet deadly to Steve and Mark. I had to keep watch over them. I didn't want them harmed and we had no camp fire to keep us warm. So they cuddled next to me.

I didn't mind it though, I was too busy thinking of who would of possessed Mark that night.

That was until I noticed something move in the darkness. Something was fast and it was heading straight this way. It looked directly like it did in my dream during the mission for my powers.

Was this who possessed Mark? Or is it coming after me? It didn't look like a human creature at all.

I got up as careful as I could so I can prevent this creature from doing any damage to Mark or Steve. The creature didn't seem to slow down. Just like in the dream... it never slowed down.

Am I in another dream? No no, I don't remember passing out. I can move and talk.

I watched the creature get closer but it just... disappeared into smoke right before it reached the house. Where did it go?

I looked around. It was no where. I walked around the house before I froze in my place. It was against the fireplace, looking directly at me. It didn't look like null or notch at all. I haven't met entity at all. Maybe this creature was him?

"Who are you? Why are you in my dreams and what do you want with me and my friends?" I dare to ask the creature, a growl slightly escaping my throat.

It didn't say anything, just stared at me. What did it want with me? I started to grow impatient with this creature. I took a glance towards the sleeping two then back at it, only to realize it was gone yet again.

I noticed there was a note right where the creature stood. I picked it up and read it.


I didn't trust it but if this creature knows something. We need to know, but the problem was... what cave?

I looked to see if there was a location and the location spot was in the back. It lead to Steve's cave nearby.

When everyone woke up, I showed them the note and told them what happened while they were asleep.

"Seems really suspicious, Herobrine. Are you sure about this?" Mark asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes.

I shrugged, "me and it were literally face to face. If it was deadly, it would've attacked me. Though it didn't." I said as I looked at them both.

Steve nodded, "I'm fine with that indeed, we would've been alerted if it was dangerous too." He chuckled.

We then headed off to seek the cave, wondering what this creature wanted from us. It looked like null but it wasn't him at the same time. I would've known if it was null.

Maybe this creature will answer questions when we arrive to the cave? These thoughts were just flooding my brain as we grew closer and closer to the cave.

I'll make sure nothing happens to Mark or Steve. I can't bear to lose either of them right now.

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