I'm Sorry...

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'Another dream...? I thought I died,' I thought to myself as I walked around. It looked exactly like Notch's castle, despite me seeing my own castle before everything went black. My hands were bleeding, my chest was pouring out blood. Yet I felt no pain. I felt nothing. Just cold air and my body was numb. My right knee was also locked too as if an arrow had shot through it from one of my minions.

I walked for what seemed like an hour. I came to Notch's throne room. It was empty. The place looked abandoned. That was until I noticed a cave. A cave much like how I died when I was little... My eyes widened as I backed up from it. Where did it come from? Why was it in Notch's castle?!

I turned away from it and screamed. Notch's dead body was in front of me, pushing me towards the cave. 'No! No! No!' I wanted to scream, yet my body couldn't find a voice.

I was then thrust into the cave and the cave was closed. I looked around and I walked through it. I had to face my fears of walking inside dark caves. I can control the mobs now.

Though, I had to stop... There was a little me... Lying on the ground, dead. Tears were formed in my eyes. What was this?

I walked over to the body and I gently touched it. The little me looked up, his eyes turning white. His little voice called up to him, "Wake up..."

'Wake up...?' I thought as I looked around. The boy yelled at me to wake up.

I looked at the boy then I began running deeper into the cave, trying to find a way out.

Now that the boy had said it, the words, "WAKE UP" are just flooding the whole cave. It was deafening.

I screamed as I covered my ears, running towards the light that was at the end. Freedom. The exit. I ran through it.

I came out to a forest, the same forest that I met Steve. I look around and I head to the burnt village. The village was indeed how I saw it before I burned it down. I saw myself and Steve. Both were dead.

Both yelled at me to wake up. Even the villages. My heart pounded. What was going on!? I had no escape.

I ran the other direction, towards the sand village. Only to meet with the same fate. Mark and everyone there was also said for me to wake up. It was terrifying! Everyone was dead, their eyes were white, mouths hanging open, and reaching to me. All telling me to wake up.

How do I wake up if I don't know how?! What did they expect me to do!?

I continued running away and deeper into the sand. I soon ran into Entity. I was scared for when Entity turned around.

Though, Entity was completely normal. The cloak hiding his face as his scythe just strapped on his back.

"Follow me, Loser. Let's go. I've waited way too long for this." Was all he said before grabbing my hand and ran off.

Entity was going to help me, how!? This was a dream, wasn't it?!

"Let's get you back. You can tell everyone about this dream and whatnot. We have to wake you up before the demon comes." Entity spoke as if everything was going to be okay.

I didn' know what was going on, why was everyone telling me to wake up? Wasn't this a dream? I will surely wake up soon.

They get to this oasis-like area and Entity looked at me, snarling. "Get in the pool. You'll wake up soon. Null would've been here instead, but he's too busy making sure you aren't dead. So I had to help you out, little bro..." He pushed me into the pool.

The last thing I saw was Entity looking off to the distance, getting his scythe ready and yelling one last thing, "Wake up!" Then... Everything went black.


We brought him to his bed. We were deeply worried about Herobrine. Mark looks at me and he was in tears, Steve was also crying. Herobrine was laying in our arms limp, bleeding, and lifeless pretty much.

"Will he be okay!?" Mark asked me, almost screaming at me.

I trembled and I shook my head. I didn't know. I didn't know if he was going to be okay. I didn't know if he was going to live.

He was hit in the chest pretty hard. He already had a weak heart due to a condition as well as asthma. So I had no clue. I had no clue if he was going to live after getting a blow like that.

Steve trembled and he tucked Herobrine in as he looked at me. "We will heal him together. We have to get him back alive. He survived dying before. We can resurrect him again." He told me as Mark took a step back, watching.

I nodded and we both began healing Herobrine.

Then the wait began...

Every day, we went into the room to see if he had woken up yet. His breathing started 4 days after the healing process. So we did know he did resurrect, but not woken up yet.

"What if I just..." Mark started as he walked over, kissing Herobrine's lips. It did nothing. He frowned before sighing. "Come on! Our world is crumbling because you died, wake up!" He yelled at the sleeping Herobrine.

I stared before shaking my head, "He's not going to wake up like that, Mark..." I sighed, pouting.

Mark looked at me and he sat down next to the bed, stuffing his face into one of Herobrine's clothes that he was wearing. I can see that Mark deeply cared about Herobrine. Steve did too, but he didn't say anything. He was more of a quiet person, while Mark spilled out every emotion he had.

I look over at Herobrine before whimpering. "Wake up Herobrine... Please Entity." I whispered my plead as I looked at the window. "I can't do it right now. Go wake him up." I added as I pout.

A few days had gone by, Herobrine had begun shaking and trembling like he was having a nightmare.

What was going on inside Herobrine's head?

Mark looked at Herobrine and he hugged him, pouting. "Herobrine... Please! Wake up! It'll be over soon!" He yelled as he cried.

I had gotten word that Entity went into a deep slumber a few nights ago. So I knew Entity had heard my plead, but who knows how long it'll be before he got Hero to wake up?

Mark and Steve were already in a deep panic that he won't wake up. I knew he was going to wake up, just not knowing when.

After a few more days, I was sitting in the room with Mark. Steve was in the kitchen making breakfast for us, not like we can eat anyway. I heard a sharp gasp. I lift my head and looked at Mark. He looked at me just as confused...

Then we saw Herobrine sit up quickly, his eyes widened with panic and shock. He was alive! Entity did it! Entity woke hero! We both just smothered him with hugs as Herobrine sat there in our arms.

We were all safe... no more harm. No more... just us...

I will make sure of it...


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