The Myth Wakes

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AN: AHHH! 10K VIEWS? DANNNNGGG!!! otays... enough of my amazements... here's the chapter xD

The male that had held me before was now staring in horror as Herobrine slowly made his way towards the armored mortal. The male was obviously scared, he had dropped his weapon and his armor rattled as he trembled.

I felt bad, but it was their fault for making so much noise. I was part of it but I shall not speak of it to Herobrine.

I watched as Herobrine disarm the man fairly quickly. The weapons were tossed to the base of the stairs and I watched as dark black vines hold them down. This was probably the first time I've seen Herobrine use his power when he was angry, but of course he's tired so I can't blame him if he wants to deal with them easily.

The mortal screamed, "let me go! Let me go!" He was trying to lure the rest of his friends over. My eyes widened as I heard footsteps running up the hallway in our direction.

Herobrine let out this dark growl as he looked over at the mortals running over. The next thing we all know, Herobrine disappeared and even more weapons showed up in that weapon pile. I just watched in shock, not knowing what was going on. How did he get this much power? Did he always have this much power?

The mortal group were definitely scared now, thinking they were all going to die. Herobrine appeared in front of them, very pissed off.

"Now. Tell me how you found my castle!!" Herobrine commanded, a deathly aura radiating off of him. That was scary, I've seen him with the effect that my brother did... but this was almost just as scary.

Mark and Steve came down the stairs, curious of all this noise. They were sleepy but then woke up fully as they saw the group that Herobrine had in front of him.

Mark goes to me and asked in a hush whisper, "what's going on?" I looked over at him and sighed, "Some mortals found the castle and I tried to scare them away and get Herobrine's attention. I managed to get his attention but I didn't scare them away." I explained and mark nodded.

Herobrine listened as the mortals tried to explain what happened and what their intentions were. Surprisingly, Herobrine listened despite his rising anger that there were mortals he didn't trust in his castle.

"I will give you two options. I'll let you guys respawn with no memory except for your names and each other. Or you guys can leave and Ill just erase your memory of what happened on how you got here." Herobrine gave them the options. He was handling this much better than I know how our brother Entity would do.

He would've killed them and I know Herobrine is way different so why did I even expect murder? I sighed and watched the mortals.

The leader growled, "we spent a few days following this little piglet only to know we are getting options that will result our memory erased?! Don't you want to know that your not dead to the world?! There are people looking for you, claiming your real yet no one believes them. Your obviously real and alive!" She stood face to face in front of Herobrine. She was really testing her luck.

Herobrines jaw clenched and he frowned, "yes I do want everyone to know I'm not dead... but who will believe you if I erased my location from all of your minds? Plus, I'm not alive. I'm still dead, just reincarnated in a way." His voice had an anger tone to it and it sent shivers down my spine, I didn't like it.

Though, looking at mark and Steve, they seemed to actually like it. Dirty perverted men, what are they thinking with Herobrine this mad?

I looked back at Herobrine and the leader. "B...boss! Be... be careful! You are dealing with a god!" One of the mortals said in a squeaky nervous voice.

Herobrine laughed and he looked at them, grinning. "Where is your god now? I am no god of yours!" He then summoned his pickaxe, full diamond yet bloody. He dug it into the leaders armor before throwing her hard to the ground in the hall.

The mortals froze while me, mark and Steve just gasped. All three of us were shocked and worried what was going on with Herobrine.

Herobrine looked at the mortals and he took a step closer to them. "Now~ any more questions? If not, choose your option!~" he grinned and the mortals just trembled under his gaze. They clearly had no more questions.

Now they had to choose their option. Either respawn with no memory or get to leave with no memory of this place.

A few mortals chose the ability to leave with no memory of the place. So they left through a portal, which sent them back home with no memory of entering the nether to find Herobrine. The rest was this one mortal and the leader. They were the strongest ones, protecting each other. Herobrine obviously had an idea as he spun his pickaxe walking to them.

I couldn't look, I didn't know what he was going to do to them.

"Please! Let us leave free from murder!" The leader yelled, getting scared as she saw the glimmering pickaxe swinging.

"Why would that be? You'll still be able to remember your loved ones and friends." Herobrine tilts his head and she just trembled under his gaze.

"Because my kids are trying to find you and they will not stop talking about you. They claim your real and claim that they see you." Her pleading words caused him to pause in his tracks, dropping his pickaxe.

I stared in shock, wondering what was going to happen as Herobrine just stood there frozen, taking in the information. The leader watched before grabbing his pickaxe quickly, aiming it at him.

It was a lie. She had no children. I could tell in her voice, but since Herobrine is too blinded by sleepiness and anger he couldn't tell what was real and what was fake.

Herobrine noticed it too late and I called out, "HEROBRINE!!! WATCH OUT!"

He moved barely in time to dodge the pickaxe that swung at him but it ended up hitting his chest hard. Steve and mark rushed past me and grabbed weapons. They blocked her from getting near him. Herobrine cried out as he dropped to his knees, holding his chest. I rushed over and I trembled. No! I knew this was going to happen!

I called the lights power and began mending his wounds even if it hurt me to use. Mark and Steve fought the other two mortals, but they were all equally matched.

Herobrine pushes me aside and he summoned my weapon from me. I gasped in shock. He was beyond angry, yet his wound wasn't healed fully!

"No! Herobrine relax! Your wounded badly!" I said as I grabbed his arm. I was worried. Mark and Steve moved away as Herobrine pushed me away. Herobrine walked over to the two, panting heavily.

"How dare you... how dare you use that tactic on me!!" He yelled as he gripped my scythe in his grasp. He then slaughtered both of them, making them respawn back at their houses with no memory except for their name and the names of their loved ones.

He dropped the weapon and he dropped to the ground. We rushed over in worry. He was out like a light. Blood was everywhere.

I began mending his wounds quickly to stop the bleeding. "Please don't die on us Herobrine!" I started crying, worried he died...

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