Bounded (18?M)

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AN: Writing this sleep-deprived (almost 24hrs of no sleep rn), hope it's alright XD but this idea came in mind so might as well use it to spice up this story a bit. 

Gore Warning too btw -- Sleep deprived me is more... unstable as I can put it

I shook Steve off of me as I finished cleaning the dining and kitchen area. I was not about to have another round within two nights. It was not going to happen. I told Steve to meet me in the room as I finished up my cleaning. 

Luckily, he didn't refuse and he went straight up to my room. I sighed, thinking I was alone. I hummed a low tune as I walk out of the kitchen. It was quiet in the mansion, but I didn't mind it. Maybe Mark and Steve fell asleep.

As I entered the hallway, I noticed a person down the hall. It was dark from the lights not on, so I couldn't see who it was. "Hello?" I called out, walking to the figure I see down the hall. The figure didn't say anything but just stand there. 

I had a very bad feeling, my gut telling me to run the opposite way, but I need to know who was this figure and how they found my castle. I frowned darkly as I approached the figure closer, only to realize it was just a mannequin. 

I sighed almost in relief before I heard footsteps behind me and I looked to see who it was. All I saw was Mark before I felt this sharp pain in my skull, my vision turning black...

When I woke, I noticed I was in my dungeon. My head was pounding, my arms were pinned up and it sounded like... chains? I looked around, no one was here. Who would put me in chains? Who would put me in my dungeon? 

As I tried to remember, the pounding came worse. I growl as I pulled against the chains, but it seems they were just stuck there. I don't remember having chains at all down here. Unless I did have chains and I just completely forgotten about them.

"About time you woke, sweet Herobrine." Mark's voice echoed through the dungeon halls. I look around, not being able to see him. I tried to speak, but it was muffled by this gag and it doesn't help that I had this tight collar on my neck. It was hard to breathe. 

Mark walked closer, glaring down at me as I noticed his crimson red eyes were glowing in the faint light that shone on me. He chuckled low and he gripped my hair hard, pulling it back. It caused me to gasp in pain, looking at him with a confused yet angered look. 

He leans close to my face, whispering in my ear, "I'll keep you down here so Steve can be mine. You are all that Steve wants now. I want him as mine and mine alone..." He frowned, glaring at me. 

I stare at him, my eyes wide and I felt this deep sadness inside of me. I didn't want to lose Steve to Mark. Mark drags a blade, flat side, against my neck. It sent deep shivers down my body, I could feel the blade getting close to cutting my skin. 

He grinned and he slides the blade right into my shoulder, the blood seeping down my shoulder. I hiss in pain, the blade digging further and further. Tears fell as the blade was then yanked out of my shoulder. 

It was then placed right into my thigh, causing me to scream in pain and he barked with laughter. "Oh, it's so much fun seeing you cry and scream for me!~" He yelled as he dug more of his blades into me. 

Why was I getting all of this torture? What did I do wrong? 

After a while, he left to find Steve. I was so weak, blood was everywhere on my body. I didn't know what he was going to do. I didn't want Steve to get hurt. What if he was going to hurt my Steve? MY Steve.

When I woke, my head was pounding yet again. My body was on fire with pain. My arms, numb from being hung up, and my legs were trembling from sitting down on this floor. Mark was nowhere to be seen down here, yet I wondered what was happening. What did I miss? What if he hurt Steve? 

The thought of Steve being hurt made my blood boil. I pulled against the chains hard, hoping it'll break. Yet I wasn't lucky. The chains held my hands there. I was stuck.

I heard the door open and I frown, "Where's Steve? What did you do to him?" I asked, a deep growl escaping my throat. 

Mark came into view and grinned, "I took care of him. He's doing fantastic, Herobrine." He looked up and down my bloody body. "Yet, I still have to make sure you don't get to him. He's going to be mine and mine only, Herobrine." He said as he pulled my hair, causing me to hiss in pain as he was not gentle about it at all.

"I thought I could trust you. You've been there for us ever since we met. Why are you doing this?!" I yelled as I pulled against the chains, my wrists having this burning sensation. 

He shrugged and he twirled a dagger in his hand, looking at me with a very dark grin plastered on his face. "Oh, who knows why I'm doing this. Maybe just so I have Steve all to myself so you don't have to be there. You are a worthless king, after all, ~" He said as he dug the blade right into my stomach. 

He left once he knew I was very wounded and I choked on my blood. I had to get out of this dungeon. I don't know what he's doing with my Steve, but I had to get out of here and get rid of Mark. 

I pulled against the chains harder and harder with each breath I take. Sure, my stomach released this intense pain every time, but I had to get out of here. 

Not after I heard one of the chains break, but I heard Steve yell... It was full of pain and fear. Fear of where I was, and he was in pain... in... pain...

Snapping, I broke the chains and I got up, holding my stomach as it exploded with pain. I limped towards the door. He was hurting my Steve! MY STEVE! 

The castle shook under my wrath. I was very angry. He had to be gone. He was not allowed in my castle anymore. My wounds, they no longer hurt. I looked around once I left my dungeon. I heard Steve's voice yet again and I charged after his voice. 

Once I found him, he looked worse than I did. Or at least I think so. I didn't get to see my whole body. I looked around and I didn't see Mark anywhere. Where was the dude? 

"He... He ran to... to the bedrooms" I heard Steve say as he looked at me. I nodded and I ran towards the bedrooms, indeed finding Mark there waiting for me. 

"Seems like you found a way out of your dungeon. Guess you saw Steve too huh?" He asked as he grinned, looking at me. I growled as I lift him from the ground, blocking his air and he looked panicked now. 

Now he gets to see what an angry god could do... I look towards the window and I threw him out of the window. I leaped after him and I pinned him down to the ground, growling yet blood dripped from my mouth due to the movements I was forcing my body to go through. He looked at me, eyes were wide. 

"Go back to the hellish land you came from. It's not allowed in my realm anywhere near my castle." I growled as I then started to burn his skin alive. He screamed and he flailed under me, "No! Please! Stop!" He clawed at my skin as I then let go of him. I watched as he staggered up, running away from my castle. 

I smile weakly as I walked back to Steve. Steve had managed to get himself healed and bandaged. 

All I saw was his shocked and panicked face before I saw the ground coming close then I saw total darkness...

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