I Miss Her (All/Jeslea)

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To whom may be concerned,

I'm really sorry, girls, but I can't do this anymore. Life is just too complicated, and I just can't take it much longer. I really don't wanna leave you all, but I have to.

To Ariana (Perrie, it's not your turn yet. Quit reading this.), you were the first friend I met since both our bands started collaborating. You have a beautiful voice that almost topped mine. Your cooking is wonderful, especially your red velvet cupcakes. You always reminded me and the others to put our hearts up. And you have that vibrant smile that always lights me up. Plus, you make the best leader of all of us. I would definitely miss you and the girls when you help healing people and making them feel better. Don't ever believe that you're not the most vivacious one, 'cause you are. I'm gonna miss you so much. See ya soon, my little star. Xx ❤

To Demi (Camila, what did I just told Perrie? It's not your turn either, sit down!), you're like the best sister I never had. I would promise to never leave you no matter what. You always create the best outfits for both our bands, and we love them all, especially me. Whenever you got hurt or sick, I'll be there for you. And I know you'll be doing the same thing for me too. Don't ever listen to people saying bad things about you. I'll definitely miss you more than anything. See you in heaven, sis. Xx 😉

To Leigh-Anne, you're my best friend and I love you dearly. We were like the iconic duo, partners in crime. One thing I will miss the most is your wonderful smile, infectious and beautiful just like you. Whenever I felt down, you were there to help me up. And I know that it will be just as glorious and fashion forward as you are. I really wish I was there to hear you, Jade and Perrie argue over color schemes and the most stupidest table arrangements. Don't ever think for a second that you're not amazing or beautiful, 'cause you're the most amazingly beautiful girl in the world. Love ya, Leighly. Xx 😁

To Jade, my baby, even though you're just a year younger than me. I just wanted to protect you from all the harsh things the world had in store. It's silly because you're an adult, and you went through a whole lot before I ever met you. You're extremely brave, honest, strong and beautiful, Jade, and nobody should tell you otherwise. You have a very uncanny ability to make others comfortable and happy, but don't forget to make yourself happy as well (I know it sounded ironic for me to say that). You are very smart, both booksmart and streetsmart, and I always get baffled by what you say (in a good way) seeing your mind work in ways nobody else's does. The thing I will miss the most is not seeing you change the world beyond Dream Star and Little Mix, and I know you will do it with that huge brain of yours. And I'll be most absolutely gutted that I won't be there to see your very cheeky smile after you've done it. But just do your thing anyway. Don't mourn forever and make the rest of your life miserable. Just move on, as harsh as it sounds, and live your wonderful life. Don't stop dancing, my little Poopey. Xx 💖

To our youngest girls, Camila and Perrie (Now it's your turn. I know you two have been having since Ariana and Demi's turn. You two are so impatient sometimes.), you both are the most smartest and cutest of our group. I love you two so much, and I really wish to see what you will become in the future (even though you're already adults). Also, you both have amazing voices. Perrie, you have a very huge appetite that I like so much about you. Camila, you may be the rebellious one, but you do have a very special lion heart. You two make a beautiful couple, and I hope you will one day become a married couple. Don't ever let people think of you otherwise. You're my sweet princesses and I love you dearly. See you guys soon. Xx 💗

And finally, the oldest of us girls, Lea Michele. I know you're the last person, but don't worry, I saved the best for last. Thanks for being patient by the way. There's something I wanted to tell you since the day we met. I have a huge crush on you. I love you so much, your eyes, your hair, your gorgeous features and perfect personality, everything. Your feelings have a link to mine. When you smile, I smile back. You light up every room you go inside, and you should have faith in yourself to do a lot of good in this world. You're crazy and adorable, and that's what I love about you. I bet you didn't know that I love you, I'm bisexual. I know you were waiting a very long time to hear me say that, and I wish I was brave enough to admit my true feelings for you in person. But I guess it's too late, and I truly wish you to be happy in your future with the luckiest guy or gal who manages to help you settle down. If you didn't notice, I know you're pansexual. I'm gonna miss you the most of all. I love you, my beautiful LeLe. Don't you forget it. Xoxo 💋

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