That's My Girl (Perrilea)

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Plot: Perrie has never felt so much love before since her breakup with Zayn Mailk (who has left One Direction). While dating Lea, she has been getting hatred from Jerrie and Zerrie stans. Lea will make sure nothing can ruin their relationship.

Perrie was at her bedroom crying because of the hatred she has been getting. It was mostly because of the Jerrie and Zerrie stans. Some of them called her a slut, whore or jerk for coming out as bisexual, while others wanted her to go back to Zayn, and most of them think she is much better as a couple with Jade. But she already has a new girlfriend, and her name is Lea Michele (who is in another girl group called Dream Star). She is much happier with her, but she's so depressed with the hatred.

Jesy came inside her room and saw the blonde crying. She immediately ran over to hug the younger girl.

"I don't know what to do, Jes." Perrie cried. "All of the haters wanted me to break up with Lea and go back to Zayn, which will never happen."

"Please don't listen to those haters." Jesy assured. "They're all just assholes who don't believe that you and Lea make a fabulous couple. Whatever you are, you are one of the most adorable girls in the world. And we all love you for who you are."

Perrie smiled. "Thanks, Jesy."

"Hey, wanna call the Dream Star girls and tell them to come over?" Jesy offered.

Perrie nodded, wanting to see her girlfriend.

A few minutes later, Perrie was hugged by her girlfriend after she told her everything.

"Don't worry, Perrie." Lea said. "I won't let anyone hurt you at all. Not even your fake fans. If they talk shit about us, then they are not your fans at all. During our interviews, me and my bandmates would stop the interviewers from saying something about your ex-fiancé Zayn. Cause we don't want you to be depressed. Our real, true fans, including our loved ones are the only ones who accepted our relationship, and that's what really matters. I love you, Perrie, only you."

Perrie smiled and kissed her softly while hugging her. "Thanks, Lea. I love you too."

"Thank you guys so much for a being a wonderful audience! We love you, Dreamers and Mixers too! And we hope to see you again-"

"WAIT!" Lea yelled out, interrupting Jesy's speech. "So for the last few years, I've been protecting Perrie from the hatred from Jerrie and Zerrie stans. And without me, she would be able to make it throughout her life. So to all you haters who wanted Jerrie and Zerrie, fuck you all! We don't care about them!" The audience cheered.

Lea kneeled down in front of Perrie. "I love you so much, Perrie Edwards. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?" She asked.

Perrie looked at the audience who wanted her to say yes. So she just nodded with tears in her eyes. Lea smiled as the two kissed passionately.

"So, if you guys didn't understand, she said YES!" Jesy said happily as the audience cheered very loud with joy. Ariana, Demi and Camila hugged their bandmate congratulating her. Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne did the same with their bandmate.

The girls went backstage and hugged their crew members, who congratulated Lea and Perrie on their engagement. This has been the day of both ladies' lives.

Well, I really hope you guys love this one-shot story, especially the engagement of Perrilea.

Please rest and review, and stay tuned for the next chapter! ❤❤💗💗💖💖

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