Why Can't We Be Friends? (Perrilea) (Request)

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Plot: An AU shot where Dream Star and Little Mix are enemy groups, except Lea and Perrie are secretly dating. What happens when the girls find out about Lea and Perrie's secret relationship?

Requested by LittleVampetteClub98.

There are many girl groups around the world, but two of them are the most well-known, and they are Dream Star and Little Mix. They are pretty much popular and wonderful. But the thing is, they are enemies. They hate each other with a burning passion. Well, in this matter, not all of them hate each other. There is one member of Dream Star and one member of Little Mix secretly hanging out with each other without their bandmates noticing. Also, they are dating too. Bet you can guess who they are?

One day, Perrie was walking inside a local restaurant. Then she saw the girl she was looking for, Lea Michele. She and her got along the most despite their bands being enemies.

"Lea!" Perrie said running over to her beautiful girl.

"Oh, hey, Perrie!" Lea smiled. The two kissed passionately with smiles on their faces.

"How's it going with your band?" Lea asked.

"Pretty much the usual." Perrie shrugged. "They're just talking about how much they hate you guys."

"Yeah, it's the same thing with my band." Lea sighed. "I just wish they would all get along."

"The day our bands would ever get along is the day hell freezes over." Perrie said.

"Guess so." Lea agreed as the two laughed.

"Come on, let's eat." Perrie said ready to order from the menu.

Lea nodded.

A few moments later, they waved goodbye to each other with a goodbye kiss, promising to see each other again next time. When they got home, their bandmates asked what happened, they just said they were doing a lot of shopping.

Over the days, Lea and Perrie were hanging out a lot. Although, the rest of the girls gotten very suspicious of the two. One day, everyone found out about Lea and Perrie's secret relationship.

The two bands are at the movies together, trying to stay away from each other as possible. The girls saw Lea and Perrie holding hands. And that's what hit them, the two girls were dating.

"Before you can ask why we're dating, we just want y'all to just get along and learn to know each other better." Lea replied.

"Yeah." Perrie agreed. "I mean, come on. We both almost have the same taste in everything, so maybe we can just get together."

The girls looked at each other and realized that Lea and Perrie are right, they do have everything in common. They smiled at each other for the first time in a while since they first met.

"I'm sorry." Ariana hugged Jade, the rest of the girls also hugging.

Finally, the feud is over. Dream Star and Little Mix are now great friends.

They continued watching the movie together.

Well, I know it's short, but I hope you all like this one-shot story anyway.

A big thanks to LittleVampetteClub98 for choosing this request for me.

Please rest and review, and stay tuned for the next chapter! ❤❤❤❤❤

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