Chapter 1: The Chauffeur

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- Good morning, I'm Lexa Woods. I have a scheduled meeting with Miss Griffin, in ... 1 minute and 20 seconds, could you please let her know I'm here? - Lexa was a lover of precision and without a doubt her little detail surprised the smiling blonde secretary, who stared at her for a moment before answering her.

- Good morning Miss Woods, you must be the applicant for the position of chauffeur for Miss Griffin, please take a seat. Ms. Griffin has been delayed a little this morning. - Harper explained kindly. Lexa looked at her with a frown, immediately frustrated at the news. If there was anything that the brunette hated, it was unpunctual people.

- Ermmm ... well, thank you.

Lexa was upset internally, but didn't comment, instead taking a seat on the comfortable single sofa in the large reception room. That morning she had proposed to give some thought to who would be her future boss, none other than the famous Clarke Griffin. A young woman who had revolutionized the cyber world with her innovative creations, which were recognized not only nationally but internationally as well.

Her future boss was a business queen, CEO of the renowned company 'Griffin Cybernetics', which her grandfather Theodore Griffin, a young millionaire, lover of numbers and cybernetics, had created in the mid-sixties. At this time, cybernetics had given great impetus to the theory of information; when the digital computer replaced the analog computer in the elaboration of electronic images. In those years appeared the second generation of computers (with transistors in 1960) specifying then the first computer graphics and drawings, and the third (with integrated circuits, in 1964) as well as programming languages.

In 1965 Theodore traveled to Stuttgart, where the exhibition "Computer-graphik" took place. An exhibition that led him to dream of a world of computerized images, encouraging him to begin work on prototypes for his brand new company.

The creative and fascinated young man traveled to every possible exhibition in those years, gathering new information and ideas for his exclusive prototypes, which were already underway. In 1968 he traveled to Lomdres to attend the one that would consecrate the renewed trend, under the title "Cybernetic Serendipity" at the Institute of Contemporary Art of the old English capital. In the same year, he also attended the exhibition in which  cybernetics really stood out.... 'Mindextenders' in the Museum of Contemporary Crafts in London.

In 1969 the Brooklyn Museum organized the show 'Some more Beginnings'. There was Theodore with some of his creations, where he was recognized by critics as one of the most innovative.

In that same year, in Buenos Aires and other cities of Argentina, Art and Cybernetics was presented, organized by Jorge Glusberg. With this exhibition, the principles of the digital art / image relationship in that country would be inaugurated.

In Spain the first manifestation was the one of 'Computable forms' - 1969 - 'Automatic generation of plastic forms' -1970 - both organized by the Center of Calculus of the University of Madrid.

In the first months of 1972, the German Institute of Madrid and Barcelona presented one of the most complete samples that has taken place in Spain, entitled 'Impulse computer art'.

In the 70s, Griffin Cybernetics had grown enormously, with revolutionary creations being exhibited in some of the largest world exhibitions. With this recognition, and consequently increasing sales in the world market,  the Californian company became one of the most recognized in the world. Theodore knew then that he was creating an empire, one that his future generations would follow.

In his personal life Theodore had married his first love, his sweet Jane and had had four children, Jake, Michael, Susan and Karen. His eldest son, Jake, followed in his footsteps, as fascinated with the cyber world as his father, working in the company since he was a teenager, without a doubt his father's pride.

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