Chapter 25: Broken Dream

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The warm rays from the sun woke Lexa, she was still wrapped in the blissful skin of Clarke, who was still sleeping like a baby. It had not been many hours since they had fallen asleep, rendered useless from making love for hours, both experiencing several shattering orgasms and surrendering completely to each other without limits.

Lexa smiled as she looked at the messy blond hair submerged on her chest. The smell of Clarke's skin was still embedded in her nostrils and caused an aphrodisiac effect on Lexa at every level. She placed a sweet and delicate kiss on the blonde's head, then very slowly and carefully, removed herself out of her grip in order to do the classic morning visit to the bathroom.

There, she cooled her face a little and brushed her teeth with a mischievous smile, still feeling the taste of Clarke in her mouth. Without a doubt, she had thoroughly enjoyed devouring the blonde without limits, giving infinite pleasure to the heavenly body that now belonged to her completely. But as she raised her green eyes to the mirror and looked at her reflection carefully, the fears and the harsh reality of all this madness hit her completely, as if a splash of ice water had suddenly soaked her.

Her face immediately became tense and serious, thinking that she definitely couldn't keep up with this dishonesty for much longer. She loved this woman without a doubt, and she didn't want to hurt her, she didn't want to be someone else in her life that would hurt her and ruin her shot at happiness.

She had no doubt that Clarke was in love with her, she had seen that passion in her eyes, it was undoubtedly clear, and she felt 100% the same inside. She remembered that "my love" when it had been proclaimed by Clarke's lips, it had produced an internal sensation of energy that ran through her whole being and completely bristled her skin, causing her heart to skip a couple of beats, and a slight smile grew on her face, but it was only that, passing and slight.

The relationship between them was becoming very real and serious fast, with strong feelings on both parts, each giving themselves completely to the other, without limits, without social classes, and without titles of "boss and employee". They had long crossed those boundaries, and there was no going back. Her mission was highly compromised because she could no longer be objective in her decisions or her work.

But she was still willing to discover the truth behind Clarke. She needed to know if the CEO was really a sick addict to power without scruples, creating an artifact so lethal to world security no matter the consequences, or if she was what her sister Madi, firmly believed. She needed to know if the CEO's creations were related to better the warmth of life for disabled people like her child.

The decision Lexa had to make was, either to trust Clarke and tell her the truth about her secret identity, and ask her to do the same regarding honesty, and end the damned government theories by presenting evidence that she was not a covert criminal, or to continue acting undercover until she got the necessary evidence by her own means once they were back in San Francisco.

It was such a damn difficult decision, she was putting global security at stake by hesitating like this. "Damn it!" she whispered to herself, lowering her head and leaning on the wall where the water was still running. Her heart was shaking and it was hard for her to breathe. She wanted to cry from the despair and frustration of not knowing what to do.

She wet her face several times to recover, she didn't want to ruin the morning after such a special, romantic night. She knew that she had a serious, worried and desperate face, and she didn't want Clarke to be alarmed, or suspect anything was wrong, while she took the time to reflect on her life's decision.

She left the bathroom after showering and letting the water relax her stressed body a little. She took a black shirt that she found in the closet, and placed it on. She looked at the body of that beautiful woman to whom she had made her own, still resting in bed, half-covered by a sheet, now hugging a pillow, probably imagining it was her. The image was so tender that it brought warmth to Lexa's heart immediately, and a bright smile gripped her face, forgetting all her worries for a moment.

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