Chapter 32: Forever Yours...

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They had trained for the rest of the day together. Lexa had given a quick instruction on all kinds of weapons and basic management, in addition to giving Clarke an exclusive show of her own capabilities, which left the CEO standing still for several minutes in silence, staring open-mouthed.

Clarke also looked at a couple of photos of Lexa wearing her military uniform, which resulted in an extremely quick hike in the blonde's hormones. She quickly discovered that seeing Lexa in uniform was her new weakness and obsession. Lexa was amused at Clarke's reaction to her wearing her uniform, not expecting it to have such a positive effect on her mood.

Then followed the learning exercise with the butterfly knife, of which the ex Commander Navy Seals had extraordinary handling, wowing Clarke as she moved it quickly from hand to hand. The blonde learned pretty quickly, although she obviously needed some practice, and then by the end of the day, the agent had finally moved on to showing her some moves of self-defense, along with the use of the knife together.

Lexa was surprised by the accuracy and the force that the blonde had, who a couple of times had dropped to the floor, holding Lexa for a few seconds inclusive. In that aspect, it was clear that Clarke would not have many problems in handling a person should she be in trouble. Lexa still wanted to use these two days to practice everything though, she needed to be sure that Clarke would leave that house with a good knowledge of self defense.

After they had terminated the classes for the day, Clarke chose to soak in a bubble bath, which Lexa also accompanied her, of course, along with a couple of glasses of iced rose wine and strategically placed candles around the bathtub. The lovers then both sank into the foam and aromatic mineral salts, sharing kisses and caresses, but not reaching anything more sexual. They needed a little break to just relax after a day of tension and practice. They took it in turns to lean on each other, changing positions to wash the others' hair and scrub each other's back.

- Hmmm... I will go and prepare dinner my love. - Said Lexa, depositing a small kiss on the temple of Clarke, who immediately insisted that she not leave.

- No... - pronounced the blonde sharply. Lexa laughed heartily, depositing another tender kiss onto the bare shoulder of Clarke, lying on her chest.

- Hmmm... You make it more difficult for me, but we need to eat something, don't you think?

- Yes, but I don't want you to leave... - answered Clarke, clutching her arms around the waist of Lexa

- You can come with me, I have not said you can't. - suggested Lexa, though it had not been her initial idea. She had planned on being romantic and preparing a nice surprise for Clarke.

- Hmmm... I want you here a little longer... - Clarke replied as caressing Lexa's arms, raising one hand to the brunette's face so that she could kiss her lips.

Clarke turned around in the tub and positioned herself on Lexa, capturing those thick, soft lips between her own with a hungry, needy kiss. Whilst subtly placing her leg between the brunettes, and beginning to move her hips gliding her center over the hard leg muscle of Lexa, making both of them moan, whilst intensifying the kiss and movements underwater.

Soon, the hands of Clarke started stroking and caressing Lexa's sensitive breasts, knowing full well that they were her weak point. She started gently pinching her nipples, soon causing them to become erect, producing more groans from both mouths, and frantic movements between her legs.

But Lexa had better ideas for that night, and they didn't involve a quickie in the water. Without knowing how, she gathered up the willpower to stop Clarke's hand when she tried to slip it between their sexes, annoying the blonde and separating from her mouth, frowning, looking into her eyes intensely and stopping every movement.

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