Chapter 30: Into you...

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Gentle breeze caressed Lexa's face, causing her senses to awaken. The first scent that filled her nostrils was the skin of her beloved Clarke, who she was hugging against her back in the big spoon position. Her lips curled immediately, knowing that this was a good step forward in the struggle for leadership of this relationship she thought to herself laughing, imagining how Clarke would immediately frown at the thought.

Clarke was sleeping so deeply that Lexa didn't want to wake her, but she was dying to do it with kisses and caresses, giving enormous pleasure and starting the day in the best way possible. But it had been a very tense and stressful day before, and Lexa knew that Clarke needed time to sleep. She had heard her up once or twice during the night and early morning, so Lexa knew the CEO was desperate to do something about all those lies that were so incriminating to her, and she was already thinking about how.

Wasting no time, Lexa carefully moved away from the warm body of Clarke, after pressing a delicate kiss to her head, really hoping that she would be able to rest for longer. She intended to go running to the beach, hoping to activate her body. For several days she had been unable to do her classic early-morning routine, and her body felt heavy and sluggish.

She climbed out of bed and stretched like a cat, her eyes lost in the body of Clarke, barely covered with the sheet, exposing part of her legs and back. She was dying to climb back into bed, and initiate a different exercise plan, something far more delicious she thought with a mischievous smile on her face. The bedroom window was open and a nice breeze blew over her. It was a beautiful day outside, perfect for a run.

Without wasting any more time, she went into the bathroom where she brushed her teeth and took a nice quick shower. She knew that at any moment Clarke could wake up, and she wanted to be back from her run before that happened.

She left the shower with her body wrapped in a towel, turning back to the room, only to find Clarke was sitting up in bed looking through the window, seemingly lost in thought, when her voice surprised her spell.

- Where were you? - asked Clarke dryly, without looking.

- Getting a shower ... good morning to you too ... - answered Lexa, noticing

something odd about Clarke as she slowly approached the bed.

Lexa worried a bit, immediately dropping her bath towel and approaching the blonde, climbing onto the bed to get behind Clarke and hug her around her waist, placing a gentle kiss on her exposed neck. Lexa was growing weaker for her girl, desperate to do this every time she saw the remarkably exquisite ivory skin exposed to her lips.

- Why didn't you wake me? - Lexa couldn't quite understand if Clarke was upset about waking up and not finding her next to her, or if it was something else.

- Because I wanted you to rest my love ... - answered Lexa, depositing another sweet kiss on the left shoulder of Clarke, who gave a slight wince at hearing those last two words.

- Don't call me that please ... - asked Clarke, now looking Lexa straight in the eye. The blonde was still incredibly hurt from all the surprises, lies, and hidden identities of the woman behind her, so was still not comfortable hearing that "my love", reminding her of how stupid she had been.

- I'm sorry, yes I'll try not to ... - Lexa apologized supporting her chin on the bare shoulder of Clarke, with a rueful face. She understood the reason for the blonde not wanting to be called that after finding out the whole charade yesterday, but Lexa wanted her to believe that her love was 100% true.

- Lexa ... I don't think I can ... I don't think I can be the woman you need. I would struggle to give back the tenderness and the sweetness that you have and you show ... I can't ... - That confession surprised Lexa, it was something similar to what Clarke had written to her in that heartfelt letter, but she didn't want or expect her to be able to open up like her, especially knowing her tragic past.

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